Extreme obesity

Ladies - do you want to be immobile?

Are their girls out there who r feedies who want a immobile man? Or is that weird?
13 years

Ladies - do you want to be immobile?

Having a girlfriend or foodee who are immobile is a very big job that requires that you can care for her 24 / 7
You must bring everything to her in bed, washing her in bed, wiping her and care her body with cream and her skin care, make gynmastik with her ​​in bed so she gets a little movement in her body. Yes it is many things to be done.

But I think that if you trust each other and that is what both parties want to do then I think it is wonderful feeling for both parties. That you will do this together, make the dream and live the life you dream about.

I know for myself that if I found a woman who wants to become immobile or close to, then I would do everything she is doing well and feel loved.
12 years

Ladies - do you want to be immobile?

ReadTheWind wrote:
If I could just turn my body on and off from "immobile" mode I would.

This would be so perfect if possible...
12 years

Ladies - do you want to be immobile?

waterstone wrote:
I love the thought of being immobile and the idea of feeding a feedee to the point of immoribility, however I do think that to some members on here that the line between fantasy and reality need to be made clearer. Do you really want to be immobile? Do you really want to say goodbye to your freedom? Because your body a prision. Lose the ability to walk, terrible pain, difficulties breathing, and shuned from society and confined to one room.
I'm all for gaining weight, as long as its not really life threatening and the feedee/myself are 100% willing.
A while back there was a documentry called: My Big Fat Fetish. At the end of the documentry they done a bit on Goddess Patty (whome you all probably know) she has lost most of her mobility. She admitted to the cammra that she hates being immobile, she hates her body and that if she could, she would turn back time to a time when she was still mobile.
So, before you make the decision to lose pretty much everything and maybe everyone give this some really deep thought about is this a reality or a fantasy? Because your fantasy when you are immobile will be to be mobile again.
I couldn't agree more.I am pretty much obsessed with the idea of getting fatter and fatter.I'm nowhere near huge,despite gaining about 84lbs over the last three years.The weight gain has had one fairly minor health problem for me..due to the fat on my abdomen,I suffer from acid reflux (like pregnant women often do).Its minor enough for me to have chosen not to lose weight and to keep gaining,but it makes you think.For the right person with whom I was really in love and who wanted me to do it and after thinking about whether it was practical and accepting the risks,I would still go for it;but only in that very unlikely situation.Nothing wrong with fantasy and nothing wrong with taking your fantasies as far as you can...I dosmiley
12 years

Ladies - do you want to be immobile?

You are NOT too far away ,I'm just too damned oldsmiley Being old sucks,but it's better than the alternative
11 years
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