
2012, end of the world?

KattyFeeder wrote:
The only thing that'll result from this "2012" stuff is there are going to be some AMAZING "end of the world parties" going on for days or even weeks.

The funniest thing I heard in regards to the 2012 prophecy is that the world will end due to a zombie virus mutating from the use of antibacterial hand gel. Since that stuff "only kills 99.9% of germs", that remaining .1% will mutate to some kind of zombie virus. I heard this from an old homeless woman, by the way.

I always knew those germophobes would be the end of us!! Seems like I need to start preparing for the inevitable Zomb-pocalypse of 2012...
13 years

2012, end of the world?

Trainspotting wrote:
Food riots

Like a city wide food fight? I bet plenty of people here would enjoy that. smiley
13 years

2012, end of the world?


the thing about mayans is that they lived like thousands of years ago, and that with todays technology we can't predict into the future anywhere further than a couple of weeks.

People that think that the mayans really 'knew' that the world was gonna end in 2012 are just bat shit crazy.
It's probally considered a 'new age' thing, but if you ask me it's more of a dark age thing.
13 years
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