
Close to 25 and still a virgin

I dont know if you're still a virgin or what as this was posted a while ago
but when I was 15, young I know..
I took 3 guys virginities
and I dont know if this sounds bad or not but I did it because these guys were really shy and I knew that if they just had sex once and saw that it wasnt as scary as they thought that after they would be like good to go .. if that makes sense
and I was right, I stayed friends with all of them and after they all got girlfriends within a few months because once you have sex for the first time its like.. almost relieving..because now you know what to do and your not nervous

so I have to disagree with most of the other people that have commented

I say get that hooker and double bag it
13 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

Layla wrote:
I dont know if you're still a virgin or what as this was posted a while ago
but when I was 15, young I know..
I took 3 guys virginities
and I dont know if this sounds bad or not but I did it because these guys were really shy and I knew that if they just had sex once and saw that it wasnt as scary as they thought that after they would be like good to go .. if that makes sense
and I was right, I stayed friends with all of them and after they all got girlfriends within a few months because once you have sex for the first time its like.. almost relieving..because now you know what to do and your not nervous

so I have to disagree with most of the other people that have commented

I say get that hooker and double bag it

So you really think I should just use prostitute? In some ways, I wish I used my female friend when I had the chance, but she moved to a different state.
13 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

Kid A wrote:
Everyone's sexual experiences and history are different. Strangers aren't going to be able to tell you what you should do.

True. I guess you are right.
13 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

I did not think that this thread would get bumped.

To tell you the truth, lately, I've just become very content about it.
12 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

ThatGuyWithTheHair wrote:
randomlancila wrote:
Age is irrelevant, and so is number of sexual partners.

Why do people get so upset when they reach a certain age and haven't lost their virginity?

I think it's conditioning. A lot of people - mostly men, but some women - have internalized the notion that no one having sex with you means no one finds you attractive enough to think of you in that way.

It seems like this is more common among people who are either insecure or don't get compliments on their looks that often.

In fact, I haven't dated in over a year - it's largely due to stuff outside of my control, like the girls I asked out moving to another state or getting pregnant by other guys - and although I get that it's probably not my fault, I still feel like this must mean I'm much less attractive than I previously thought.

I'm in no position to give the OP any advice, sadly, but I just wanted to explain what I think is behind the mentality.

Good point. I agree.
12 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

Morever wrote:
It happens. It happened to me as well.
Sometimes is luck, sometime just lack of drive, personality, circumstances, location, family. It can be one of these, or all of them.

The only thing I can say is: don't feel guilty, don't feel like you should be someone you are not. And bugger to whatever other people may think.


Good advice.
12 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

22, nearly 23, still a virgin. Still no girlfriend. *still, or maybe again...not sure how to classify that.*

But I'm not terribly concerned about it. It'll happen when it happens. For now I'm just going to continue to be my normal charming self and talk to the lovely fat-lovin' ladies of FF.
12 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

I havent had sex in 9 months which means Im basically a virgin again
12 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

Layla wrote:
I havent had sex in 9 months which means Im basically a virgin again

oh is that how it works lol well if you need to rectify that i can help smiley
12 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

Sexual experience and sexual performance are also in no way correlated! I would rather sleep with a 30 year old virgin than a 25 year old who's bedded 100 women and doesn't listen to what you want!
12 years
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