
Finding the right guy on ff?

the distance and the small amount of members in addition that this site is for ppl from all over the world is the problem.
not enough europeans in here smiley
13 years

Finding the right guy on ff?

I don't consider this to be a dating site in the first place. Just a place to look around, talk, share opinions and just general chat with likeminded people. There just happens to be a dating area here and allthough I have looked around quite a bit, I've never had the urge to actually contact someone (nor the other way around by the way). Not that I would oppose to meeting someone through this site, but I guess I'm just a little pessimistic by nature when it comes to dating. The fact that there are hardly any people from my country here doesn't help much either.

My experience with dating is that the only way you'll ever find someone worthwhile, is by discarding a whole lot of someone's that aren't.
13 years

Finding the right guy on ff?

Guys or girls should not expect a reply if you only come off with a general one liner. That being said, sometimes you will get no reply even if your message is interesting. Some folks get many pm's per day. Don't take it personal if you get no reply, but don't let it be a reason to make yo give up trying smiley
13 years
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