
Tall girls?

I'm 6'1" myself and sometimes 6'2"-6'3" if I don't cut my hair for a while. LOL smiley A always liked tall girls and it wouldn't bother me one bit to go out with a lady taller than myself or even close to my height. 5'5"-5'6" is pushing it for me and on the other end 6'6"-6'7" would be a little extreme as well. Considerable neck strain while kissing is simply no fun. LOL
12 years

Tall girls?

I like tall women. However, most women don't like men who are not 3 inches or more taller than they are. It amazes me how women will date men of any race, any weight, from any country, but be picky about height.

But I guess everyone has preferences. And the tall women miss out. Most tall men will date women of any height, so there are not enough of them for the women who want tall men.
12 years

Tall girls?

I prefer girls shorter then me. Don't know why, but I find it hard to be attracted to a women that is (way) taller. I'm not very tall at 5'10" - 5'11" or so, so it has proven to be an issue in the past ...
12 years
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