
Identified as an ff member?

laser wrote:
foxglove wrote:
Thanks for the advice, I'm glad everything is so black and white for you. sentiments exactly, lol.

When I read this sort of 'average opinions' I get quite sad.
Of what the society have made of us!

En of how much we, thick ones, helped them by accepting that peer-pressure.

Is this the opinion you should expect on FF, where everyone claims to be super-proud of own fat-rollies? No. What can men expect from the rest of the world, then?

It seems that I, that have open meaning of own and othermen's fat, and am not hiding preferences, should almost be ashamed of being so, here. Sort of upside down world.
Is this the message?
12 years

Identified as an ff member?

Wannabe Princess wrote:
I think the point is that people know the risks and still choose to put their photos up, however they don't always feel 100% comfortable about it.

I guess there are 2 stand points - I am fat, I can't hide being fat so being on this site is no big deal to me. My parents know about the site, for example.

But If you are into fat girls/boys, or the feeding/stuffing side of things then they is something that is quite private and something that you may not want people to know about, hence the concern over privacy (which I totally understand!)x

I think you hit the right spot, Wannabe princess. I am a man that is into bigger women, but never shouted it out. People that knew me, could see, that I'm not into skinny girls. EG. I married a bigger woman and never had thin girlfriends.
But as I was in the pub nearby, there was a nice big girl that was tease about her size and I did stand up and say she's a beautyfull lady. Now everybody knows that I'm an FA, but I don't care. And everybody accepts it, altough there were some questions afterwards. I don't think it is bad to be recognized as an FA. I am and don't hide it, I don't shout out, but I can't be myself if I would have to hide my preference. I did recognise some dutch members, but only because we know each other from party's knowing our common preference.
12 years

Identified as an ff member?

For me it'd depend.

I'm not worried about it, as I think the face is the most important part of a person's looks and having my face out there is worth the "risk" of being discovered by friends/family.

That said, if I was with family or with a date It'd most definitely be awkward. Bringing up a fetish website out of the blue would cause a bit of a stir, I'd say. I mean, there's a bit of a difference between having a preference for big girls and being aroused by feederism: the latter is more of a private thing. My parents don't need to know what goes on in my bedroom, and sexual deviancy isn't a subject for a first date (if that date isn't from FF, at least).

Bottom line, it wouldn't be the end of the world but it'd probably result in awkward silence.
12 years

Identified as an ff member?

fatFairy wrote:
laser wrote:
foxglove wrote:
Thanks for the advice, I'm glad everything is so black and white for you. sentiments exactly, lol.

When I read this sort of 'average opinions' I get quite sad.
Of what the society have made of us!

En of how much we, thick ones, helped them by accepting that peer-pressure.

Is this the opinion you should expect on FF, where everyone claims to be super-proud of own fat-rollies? No. What can men expect from the rest of the world, then?

It seems that I, that have open meaning of own and othermen's fat, and am not hiding preferences, should almost be ashamed of being so, here. Sort of upside down world.
Is this the message?

You're missing the point. Being proud of being a feedee/gainer/BBW/BHM doesn't mean you have to shout it from the rooftops. There are people who wouldn't understand if you did, and some of those people are in high places. As was stated earlier if someone who was, say...a senator for instance, got found out the scandal would be enormous.

It could, depending on this hypothetical politician's actions, bring a lot of negative attention to this community. Which could manifest as something mild like trolls, or something serious like hackers.

Not everything is cut and dry, Fairy. For a lot of people their involvement in this site is sexual, whether purely or partially so, and to most people sexual things are very very private.
12 years

Identified as an ff member?

OniGumo wrote:
You're missing the point. Being proud of being a feedee/gainer/BBW/BHM doesn't mean you have to shout it from the rooftops. There are people who wouldn't understand if you did, and some of those people are in high places. As was stated earlier if someone who was, say...a senator for instance, got found out the scandal would be enormous

Au Contraire. Did you ever heard me saying you should scream it from the rooftops? I didn't refer to that at all. I reffered on the fact that I almost had to excuse myself here on the site, for having another opinion. Pls, I beg to differ smiley

Let me put the subject this way:
I think I can afford it (professionally), and therefore I dare to put the photo's etc here. I am not living in fear they'll be discovered at all.

Some other (hypothetical) person thinks photo's can harm them professionally - in that case is quite shortsighted to put them here in any form. And than to live in fear. And rejecting to own the consequences. Kind of hypocrite, don't you think.

It could, depending on this hypothetical politician's actions, bring a lot of negative attention to this community. Which could manifest as something mild like trolls, or something serious like hackers.

This is real possibility (though not exclusive only for ff). And everyone should count with it when putting private stuff online. Doesn't matter where: face, myspace, name it.

Not everything is cut and dry, Fairy. For a lot of people their involvement in this site is sexual, whether purely or partially so, and to most people sexual things are very very private.

That is true. But I didn't proclaim screaming it from the rooftops, again (you never hear for example SM people doing that either haha). Sexuality is one part of being human that everybody does very private about, so why should ff be exception. Even I am open to certain extent, and answer only if asked the right question. But do not open more than I can take.

What I'm talking about is owning responsibility for own 'internet appearance' and adjusting it according to your personal situation, rather than to live in fear of being discovered.

I hope this time I used better nuances and do not sound militant in own opinions haha. Otherwise, I give it up for being lost in translation. smiley
12 years

Identified as an ff member?

Maimee wrote:
It's the fact you see wary people as not owning responsibility that's really starting to grate, frankly. I find it unfair and untrue.

Exactly this. You can't have it both ways. You can't say that you're only talking about owning responsibility and then turn around and suggest that someone on the site who is a little hesitant to post face pics should delete their account post-haste.
12 years

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tubbykins wrote:
I've only seen one person from here irl but she didn't say anything and neither did I. Sort of awkward.

Hahaha god if I was in the US and saw you or anyone that cute walking past I would have to stop and say hi ! I wouldnt be able to resist hahaha
12 years

Identified as an ff member?

Never happened to me. But several of my real-life friends know I'm here, and most of the rest know I like fat girls, so it wouldn't be a problem.
12 years

Identified as an ff member?

Ariday wrote:
I've meet people through meet-ups, but I've never seen anyone from FF in real life before by accident/coincidence like, "Oh! I know you! You're from FF!"

Let it be noted, if you run into me, SAY HI! I'd love to make a new friend! smiley

I would like to second this. Any fellow FFer who recognizes me out there in the world, say Hi! It's good to feel connected to someone. And I know I'm not alone in saying that I often feel isolated by the fact that I'm a gainer/wannabe-feedee.
11 years
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