
You know you're fat when...

You know your fat when you get on a bus and the driver gets out a tape measure to measure backside, because if it's over 73 inches the bugger is going to make you pay twice.
10 years

You know you're fat when...

You know you're fat when the heavy duty chair you ordered from a catalog that caters to the heftier members of society creaks and groans with each shift of your blubbery form.
10 years

You know you're fat when...

When you hear parents whisper to their children "if you keep eating candy your going to get a belly like that man "
9 years

You know you're fat when...

I know I'm fat. I really do, but for some reason I never seem to realise just how fat I am til I get an unexpected reminder. Like I'm nearing 270lbs and I'm still surprised when a 3XL in certain brands is tight around the middle, or when I can't find a belt to fit in a normal store. Just last weekend, I realised I could only just fit the airplane seat belt, and even now I'm convinced they're not all that small hahaha.

Tying my shoes isn't exactly difficult at this point, but it's definitely more of an effort than it used to be if I'm sitting on the bed or couch, for some reason doing it sitting in the car is easiest lol. I don't know what it'll take for me to stop thinking "I'm not THAT fat", maybe if one day I pass the 300 mark it'll sink in
9 years
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