

bellybeer wrote:
Who here likes or wants to go traveling? This can be anyway where, any continent. Where do you want to go or have been?

Personally, I have been round a lot of Europe and am hoping to go around North America this coming summer.

Hmm where have I been? Well lets see:

Back home in America:

-Atlanta GA
-stationed on Camp Lejeune NC for 2 months
-Parris Island SC for 4 months for boot

In Florida:

-very tip of the keys


-29 Palms for a year
-San Francisco (explored for 6 hours during layover)

-Mt. Fuji and Camp Fuji
-Okinawa, all over (2 1/2 years)
-Iwo Jima


-Clark AFB
-Crowe valley for a month
-Subic bay (for 2 months)

-New Brunswick
-Prince Edward Island
-Nova Scotia
-very very briefly Vancouver British Columbia, and Montreal

Been about a dozen other places as well but most layovers less than 4 hours so no real time to explore in depth. Places I'd like to go:

(interesting to because of my heritage)

-South Africa
-Australia especially
(I have friends from Aus. We used to play L4D online all the time when I was stationed there. It would be neat to meet IRL.)

It would be fun to see Japan again someday as it is impossible to see everything in Tokyo even if you had a month just for the city alone. Ya travel is pretty awesome, but I have to finish school first. Travel to Japan is like $2500 a clip and that's not including to Australia LOL(roundtrip mind you). It was worse for me cause to travel home for leave it was all the way from Okinawa all the way to Central Connecticut (30+ hours).

EDIT Also to goto Hawaii!
12 years
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