
Room 101

1. The safety police - Will someone please run these people over in a very fast car.

2. People who can't drive in icy conditions, driving at say 7-8 mph on a very wide road/dual carriage way - STAY OFF THE ROADS

3. Wasps/Hornets - Is there anyone who actually likes these insects?

4. Political correctness - More when it's used badly, which seems to be most of the time. It ends evoking more prejudice than there would have been in the first place.

5. Long periods of intense coldness (ie -6 to worse) - It freezes the pipes where I live and I can't get any water, blocks the sinks and the toilet won't flush.

6. Bad cooking, particularly in eating establishments - Really there is no excuse, with so many TV chefs giving advice these days, it's really not that difficault to make something at least paletable.

7. The City of London's road system - You make one small mistake and you end up on a road where you can't turn off (no left turns even), by the time you can turn around, you're miles away from your original destination.

8. Factory farming - It's immoral.

9. Cod ghetto accents - These people are the most appalling posers. You know the type, white, have rich parents, often bullies and likely to end up in an upper managerial/directorship positions at some MNC. Funny how they don't use that accent at work.

I will end there, as if I write any more you will end up bored.
12 years
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