
Out of shape or in?

Hm, well I've intentionally not exercised for quite some time and gotten pretty out of shape as a result. But for me it's an erotic thing, being extremely lazy by choice. It has had an effect, I tire really quickly going up stairs or hills now. But I don't weigh a whole lot so it's not a huge burden. There may come a time when I get tired with it and start exercising, but for right now it's still fun.
12 years

Out of shape or in?

"I really like the idea of a once in shape womean that becomes very out of shape and fat."

This happened to my wife after having our three children back to back to back and was such a complete turn on for me.

She went from a very in shape work out queen to a beautifully fattened up out of shape sex godess that could not stop over indulging and eating huge portions of food and sweets even after two years of delivering our last child.

She was so sexy and fat and out of shape "It was such an incredible turn on" to me every minute I was with her. Just watching her eat and continue to eat knowing that it would only make her sexy fattened up figure fatter and softer with even more hints of cellulite that she had developed not only on her huge round thighs but her fat upper arms and and beginning on her big soft belly.

She walked differently from all of her new weight she was carrying around. Her body almost moved in two parts with her new heavy hips and butt swaying from side to side with her huge lower belly jiggling up and down and while her huge fat breasts were bouncing and jiggling in every direction. When she would sit down after walking she would let out a comforting big breath and sigh as if she just let a huge load off of her feet "which she off course did".

She would get winded moving around on the couch usually when reaching for something, a lot of times it was a bag of chips or another fattening snack which she never would be caught dead eating in the past. She struggled and became out of breath getting dressed trying to squeeze into her now very tight fitting clothing. Sitting down crossing her legs or tying her shoes were very tough because her huge thighs and big lower belly would get in the way and make it difficult.

Probably the single most sexy thing would be after she just got out of the shower smelling unbelievable sexy and put on some extremely tight Panties and a tank top that her gorgeous body could not be contained in and come over to bed and would roll into, breathing heavily as if she just ran a few miles and then I would feel the bed move and shake as her heavenly soft body squished into me so she could rest her lips on to mine for an unbelievable kiss followed by a sigh and more heavy breathing from her moving her body around in the bed once again. Several minutes would go by and she would be loudly snoring and breathing which she had never done before she gained all this weight. Then all of a sudden she would slowly move and turn sides while she was sleeping and the bed would move and strain and bounce for a while.

I would have to say this was a dream come true during this time not to mention she would talk about how fat she was all the time and laugh it off while she was eating out of a carton of ice cream and then tease me with her sexy figure and all of her fat.
12 years

Out of shape or in?

[quote]fatbellygirl wrote:
I like being out of shape. My boyfriend teases me trying to get me to chase him as I pant he loves it too. He can be such a sexy tease some times.

that sound so loveable sexy ^^ i want that, too first i chase her until she is out of breath and tease her about getting chubby and then she develops a plot until she can do the same with me ^^
11 years
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