
Where you stand in "reality"

MrSoloDolo wrote:
So, I'm fairly new to this site... And I've been wondering something.. I want to get an idea of how many of you are comfortable with what you like and/or the reasons are you here on FF... like in the real world, and not just behind the online curtain...

Like, if you have a significant other or sexual partners.. do they know?

Do your friends know? How would you feel or how do you feel if people you are close to knew or know?

Do you come here just to look, admire, or fanticize? Or are you actually looking for something more here on FF?

I'm just curious as to what some people's intentions are here, or even if some of you have even figured that part out yet... Where you stand in reality in regards to the reasons you are on FF...

For me, I havent figured it out.. I know what I like.. I have known since I was a teenager that I am turned on by women gaining weight (esp. in the belly area)... But I'm not really sure what I'm doing here just yet....

And no one knows or has ever known this side of me.. Which I feel like is becoming kind of a mind ***..

1) Doesn't apply, yet.

2) As far as friends go I'd be surprised if they didn't. After years of always having eyes on the chubby or bigger girls out of a group, it would surprise me if they didn't realize I did. As far as family goes they sure as soon better be accepting, however I wouldn't hold my breath if they didn't (figurative and literally).

3) Mostly to find someone. Although reading the forums and the banter is kinda encouraging from time to time. It's nice to find others who feel the same as you do.
12 years

Where you stand in "reality"

I'm very open about digging fat girls. My girlfriend (who I have a few pictures with on here) is the only one who knows about the feeding and/or gaining side of it. She's not into it but is a good sport about indulging from time to time me with a sleeve of cookies while she plays with me.

I use the site in a couple of different ways. It's fun to look at all of the beautiful women, especially when they're confident. I tell my girl how beautiful she is all of the time but I don't know that she believes it. It's so awesome to come here and see bigger girls who love how they look and feel.

It's also a lot of fun to get messages from chicks talking about how much they dig how I look. Super fun when a girl I don't even know wants to bake for me. And then, you know, feed 'em to me. I wouldn't take up the offer in real life since I'm taken, but really enjoy the fantasy.

I tell my girlfriend about the site but have never given her the URL. She does like when I read her some of the messages I get though, gets her going for whatever reason.
12 years
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