
Is this normal

Reaperman wrote:
And, excuse me, but did I see right and you take penises enlargement pills for RECREATIONAL use? I really, really hope our understanding of recreational use is not the same.

Fortunately you didn't see right, he says he just took some of the enlargement pills because he was, ah, curious. smiley

chubbyhoney wrote:
Because we don't know that she does do that. He didn't know where the pills had gone or what had happened to them so he came to his own conclusions that the pills were gone, so therefore his Dad must have taken them. They could just as easily been flushed down the toilet, he doesn't know.

Well, they have been disappearing from his drawer in... gradual amounts rather than disappearing entirely outright like the pills he used to get high...
12 years

Is this normal

kingandhishorse wrote:
Also what about the studies that were done trying to get cannibis legalized for people with depression.

I'm not sure if cannabis will help you overcome depression. The long term effects may not out weigh the short term effects.

kingandhishorse wrote:
Magic Mushrooms were also shown to help people that have depression.

I have taken mushrooms 3 times. They did very little for me, except the third time. Since I was depressed when i took them, my depression got worse during that time. I'm not entirely sure what mushrooms are supposed to do, but i Think they enhance emotions. Both negative and positive. So if your not in a good place to start with, it's not a good idea.
12 years

Is this normal

Is it just me who thinks this entire thread is a total wind-up?

First the invasion of privacy issue - but as soon as the contributors reach a rough consensus that that's not okay, we get gradual further admissions... As soon as each is dealt with by well-meaning posters, another somewhat bizarre admission comes out, almost as if the OP is trying to challenge you all... penis extension pills, illegal drugs, suicide attempts, vibrators, porn, herbal highs, the mental health ward...

Dude, if you're for real: quit whining. Move out if you don't like it. I for one think you're either being very childish or, sadly, you have poor insight into your condition(s) and therefore into your parents' motivations, which sound like NORMAL concerned parental reactions. If you do move out though, without a job you may find affording a decent place to live on state hand-outs is hard. You won't have spare cash for expensive penis pills and illegal or herbal highs. You certainly won't be risking your privacy being invaded when you go out for a cigarette on the deck though; there won't be a deck, only a rank stairwell with crack addicts in it, and in any event you won't be able to afford cigarettes.

Sorry to sound harsh but you can't expect people to respond sympathetically when you start a thread on one basis but gradually it comes out that there's a whole different scenario that you didn't make us aware of at the beginning.

Either that, or good job! That whole thread had me laughing in disbelief.
12 years
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