
Your other interests?

I have many interested beyond feeding, gaining and such.

-music: from the blues, to country, to rock and roll, even some hip hop and pop music, I like a little bit of everything. even tried learning the harmonica a few years ago.

-guns: I really enjoy shooting and collecting guns. I've even built a few of them. I love to tinker with things, and i can make sense of a rifle a lot easier than i can the motor in my truck.

-being outside: walking around in the woods, working in my garden, camping, riding four wheelers, i simply enjoy being outside.

-cooking: taking simple ingredients, adding spices, and the right amount of heat to make a delicious meal is one of my favorite things to do. at least once a week I cook and have my friends over for beers. Here in south Louisiana, we really don't socialize without drinking, cooking, or doing both.

And that, Fantasy Feeder, is the most information I've shared about myself since I joined up many years ago.
11 years

Your other interests?

I'm a bit of a rev-head, a bit of a tech-head and a bit of a handyman. I like to watch motorsport on the telly, I enjoy the off science program on telly (because I am mechanically minded), and I like to keep my hands busy, so I like to build or fix things. *Please don't get the wrong idea about keeping my hands busy, LOL*

I enjoy the mental stimulation of knowing or finding out how things work, and the processes involved.
11 years

Your other interests?

writing scripts and producing my web-series.

I'd tell you more about it, but I don't want the thread to be deleted nor to be bitched at by a mod via private message.... O.o
11 years

Your other interests?

I write, and one reason I'm here is for research on how to write fatties better from actual fatties. I can only guess at what it means and feels like since I'm not a fatty myself. And I play Sims 2 and 3, Pokemon, anime, I do draw but not well. I also still play the Yu-Gi-Oh card game, only with my boyfriend though. You see I can destroy his prized Raviel deck with one card and some well played protectors, he only needs to hear tha card's name to get me to play him.
11 years

Your other interests?

I'm really into Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Star Wars is probably one of my favorite things ever. I'm a homebody, I don't go out much, which has a two-fold cause. I don't have any money most of the time, and also crowds make me nervous (though not in the general Agoraphobic sense, when I'm in a crowd it's like the smallest tiniest person there always winds up directly behind me and I always narrowly miss colliding with them...gravitic capture perhaps?). I have a bachelor's in Biology, and I'm currently trying to figure out where I can go, locally, to get my Masters.

I love to read, right now I'm working my way through the writings of one Stephen King. First off I intend to read all of his Tower-Aligned books, of which I think I have four left. After that I'm going to read through some of his other works. I'm definitely going to read Under the Dome. The series looks pretty good too, might have to watch it.

Anyway, I don't watch much TV lately. Just the Monday comedies on CBS and Big Bang Theory on Thursdays. Mostly I'm on the computer all day, either wasting time on Facebook or trying to find a job.

I'm into gaming, Elder Scrolls is one of my favorite game series. And I've taken up yoga, I try to do it every day...but lately I've started to show a troubling tendency to sleep through the yoga program that I follow a long with in the mornings. Aaaand, I could go on more. But I just realized this is super long. So, ciao.
11 years
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