
Favorite super villan

The Riddler & Mr Freeze
11 years

Favorite super villan

Monsieur Mallah and The Brain
11 years

Favorite super villan

Vertigo87 wrote:
Randall Flagg for sure. Not because of what he does, but the fact that he can appear without warning in any of Stephen King's books regardless of time period, location or appropriateness. It's like he's following you through the books you read.

The fear doesn't stop when you put down the book because he might suddenly appear in the next one you read too!

Flagg...the planes-walking demon. He's honestly the scariest thing to ever be created by Stephen King, bar none. Practically Satan, but all sarcastic wit and dark humor.
11 years

Favorite super villan

The Riddler, so wonderfully eccentric and fun. smiley

Carnage, a homicidal, sadistic, psychopath. WITH superpowers. I find most villains are just tragic people with misguided views or goals, not Carnage though, he's pure evil. :O

Megatron, because no one can be a bad guy quite like him. smiley
11 years

Favorite super villan

Darkseid, Anton Arcane, Daleks, The Master, and Venom
11 years

Favorite super villan

Yura...of the Hair.

My sister and I frequently chuckle about her. But she was definitely a legitimately creepy villain.
11 years

Favorite super villan

Ariday wrote:
Also, Freddy Krueger. Turning your own dreams against you? That's messed up.

Ooh, yes, he's awesome!
11 years

Favorite super villan

Still alive...
11 years

Favorite super villan

T-1000, metal shapeshifting pointy killing awesomenessssss
11 years

Favorite super villan

If I had to cast my vote it would be G-man from the Half-Life Series. He's creepy, powerful, enigmatic, and ever Half Life I first came out, we still don't know what his motives are, who or what he is, or who he works for. The fact that on every level he is "somewhere" just watching you always gave me the heebie jeebies. If I had to say a close second it would Kane from Command And Conquer. Although his actions are largely misunderstood, they lead to a world filled with greater dystopia.
11 years
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