
Gainer appetite changes

Mime wrote:
Doc, if managed to read all of this I'd love to know what your thoughts are on my descriptions and experiences.

Sounds like you're living the dream! Congrats.
10 years

Gainer appetite changes

Cheers Doc, just got to keep it up until I get to my optimum size and weight.

I just wish I had someone to share this experience with, a feeder or someone who just wanted to be a part of my life no matter my size.
10 years

Gainer appetite changes

mooshmoosh wrote:
This is interesting, I've read fics where all these effects happen but I've always wondered if that was anywhere close to reality or not, lol

It's amazing what a great resource the ff user base is! You can simply start a forum thread and find out almost anything you want to know about the feedist life.
10 years

Gainer appetite changes

10 years

Gainer appetite changes

1. I'm pretty certain I can eat a good deal more than I used to, but probably not a huge amount. One thing I never seemed to get over is the ability to eat a lot at work. I think the stress of work and being on a limited break kind of kills my appetite.

2. Sometimes, not always. I do find that I absolutely, without question, NEED to eat before bed. Like right before bed. If I eat dinner at 8pm and go to bed at 10pm, I'll wake up in the middle of the night with terrible hunger pangs.

3. I crave things like brownies and cupcakes a lot, especially at night. Sometimes I crave blatantly fattening things like "a quart of whole milk and cake". Seems my cravings tend to be things that are soft, sweet and sit heavy in the tummy. smiley

4. I think it depends on what it is. Chinese food, absolutely - like within an hour. Regular food, maybe an hour or two later I can eat again if I was absolutely stuffed. If I drink a cake shake or something... that tends to keep me full for quite a while. One thing I notice, the more I stuff myself at night, the more ravenous I feel the next morning.

5. It's probably habit now, but I feel the need to eat a lot pretty much every day.
10 years

Gainer appetite changes

Seph wrote:
Normal portions aren't enough any more, and that's REALLY annoying actually - because it means that if I eat lunch out with friends or grab a quick ready meal for dinner or whatever, it's nowhere near enough and I'm problematically hungry again real quick. I wish I could keep the fun bits and lose that!

Are you too embarrassed to eat as much as you need to in front of your friends?
10 years

Gainer appetite changes

All of the above.
10 years

Gainer appetite changes

1,2,3,4,5 6- When I have been stuffing for weeks ....I find when I am not even hungry for the next meal.... once I start eating I cant stop....I am like a bottomless pit.
10 years

Gainer appetite changes

1,2 and 3 for me.
10 years

Gainer appetite changes

LauLizabuff wrote:
1, 2 and 4, ordering at mcdonalds takes longer than it used to lol!

Nice! You just inspired a new thread:
10 years
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