1. I'm pretty certain I can eat a good deal more than I used to, but probably not a huge amount. One thing I never seemed to get over is the ability to eat a lot at work. I think the stress of work and being on a limited break kind of kills my appetite.
2. Sometimes, not always. I do find that I absolutely, without question, NEED to eat before bed. Like right before bed. If I eat dinner at 8pm and go to bed at 10pm, I'll wake up in the middle of the night with terrible hunger pangs.
3. I crave things like brownies and cupcakes a lot, especially at night. Sometimes I crave blatantly fattening things like "a quart of whole milk and cake". Seems my cravings tend to be things that are soft, sweet and sit heavy in the tummy.
4. I think it depends on what it is. Chinese food, absolutely - like within an hour. Regular food, maybe an hour or two later I can eat again if I was absolutely stuffed. If I drink a cake shake or something... that tends to keep me full for quite a while. One thing I notice, the more I stuff myself at night, the more ravenous I feel the next morning.
5. It's probably habit now, but I feel the need to eat a lot pretty much every day.