
Stealth eating...

Evie Gainer wrote:
I have always bragged about my eating, feeling proud that I eat more than everyone at the table.

I usually eat a ton of food after dinner, when family is in bed. I don't ever feel comfortable eating my huge evening snacks in front of others for fear of judgement. Strange that I don't have a similar issue with mealtimes! Just snacks. I love eating tons of food at dinner time in front of other people.

I recently hid several food items in my room (a dozen donuts, trail mix and weight gain powder), and even put fattening things into different containers. I put heavy cream into a gallon of milk to hide that I was drinking the cream. I also put my Serious Mass weight gain powder into a different container so no one would know I am trying to gain weight.

you are a sneaky girl ^^ haha and it´s really cute to read how you do it ;-) you seem so determined i guess not long into the future and stealth eating won´t be longer stealth ^^
10 years

Stealth eating...

Evie Gainer wrote:

I recently hid several food items in my room (a dozen donuts, trail mix and weight gain powder), and even put fattening things into different containers. I put heavy cream into a gallon of milk to hide that I was drinking the cream. I also put my Serious Mass weight gain powder into a different container so no one would know I am trying to gain weight.

hahah i have tubs of wg shake hidden in my room too haha and ive put wg powder into an old slim shake container so it looks like im just drinking a healthy shake hahaa were so sneaky
10 years

Stealth eating...

ehm yeah ....:_) somehow i can relate to that----- ehm ....^^;-)
10 years

Stealth eating...

When my wife is on one of her gaining times and her appetite gets really big:

We have a huge dinner together and then she sits next to me with a huge bowl of ice cream. Soon after as I take a shower after dinner and get cleaned up for bed I realize as I go into the kitchen for a glass of water there are 3-4 wrappers for ice cream bars at the top of the trash can!

During these times she will by huge amounts of snacks in the pantry that consist of 8 pound bags size of chips, 2-3 gallons of ice cream for me along with 3 pints of Ben & Jerrys for her, 4-5 boxes of cookies, 2-3 family size of snickers & twix and some hostess donut boxes.

I will hear the opening and crinkling of the chip bag while she is on the couch watching TV and the next thing I know after 2 days we are down to 1-2 chip bags left from the 8 she bought with a little help from me......

In 3 days her Ben & Jerrys will be gone and there will be huge spoon fulls of "my icecream that is usually almost half way gone. I will even catch her during the day just Take a super large spoon into the Half gallon of ice cream and walk around the kitchen while she is doing stuff in there just eating it as if her craving is only going to be a spoon full.

I will look around for her while I am watching TV in the family room after a huge meal and dessert and wonder where she went...... I will then go into our room and see her in bed watching TV with one of the 1 LB. bags of snickers or Twix proceedeing to eat her way through the entire bag. She gets a little shocked and embarrassed looking at first while being caught in the act with her mouth full and seductively chewing a good size mouthful but soon relaxes in and just keeps eating in front of me as if she is in a Euphoric state....she looks so beautiful just enjoying her chocolate treats almost in a sexy soft but gluteneous way simply beacause of all the empty wrapper beside her making a huge pile.

The best is when once again after a huge meal and desert I catch her in the pantry while she thought I was off in the other room and I accidentlly surprise her while she walks out with a huge mouthful of something and as she is clearly startled and embarrassed she cant even speak because her mouth is so full......kind of an awckward moment for both of us...but still extremely arousing for me. We just let it go without a sibgle word spoke about the incident. The absolute best on this night was the exact same thing happened twice.....but this time after she finally could talk after she was able to chew and swallow her huge mouthfulls she was getting in the pantry....she said to me "I dont know why I feel so hungry tonight"......I had to laugh to myself becuase she acted as if the FA/weight gain guy that I am hasn't even noticed how much she has been eating and sneaking for the past few months not to mention her beautiful fattened up figure......her sexy curves straining and bulging out of everyone of her outfits!
Still it was a cute denial type remark to being caught in the act of some serious gluttony.

Oh how I Pray for this behavior from her to come around again and last for several years so she can fatten up not just 20+ Lbs. but more like 50-70 Lbs. She truly is one of the most Beautiful women when she puts on a lot of weight.......she really turns into a complete Sex Goddess!!!
10 years

Stealth eating...

It is common for me to get up extra early have a full breakfast of pancakes, eggs and bacon. When I get to work act like have not eaten and join the group for bagels or doughnuts.
10 years

Stealth eating...

allmixedup wrote:
What I do is wake up in the middle of the night to feed. It just happens naturally for me. Instead of ignoring the hunger I now keep food on my nightstand, so I don't have to walk to the fridge. It's really made me pack on the pounds.

You don't sound mixed up at all!
10 years

Stealth eating...

AskDrFeeder wrote:
For those of you who have gained and gotten greedier appetites, do you ever hide how much you eat from friends or family?

If so, how?

1. Have an extra "stealth" meal before dining with them so you don't overeat in front of them.

2. Had a make-up meal AFTER dining with them, to make up for holding back.

3. Hide snacks in your bedroom, office, car, or other places.

Anything else?

All of the above!
Plus when I was visiting my brothers on holidays last week and his wife was dishing up and asked how hungry I was I've learned to just say 'very' So she gives me more food. No one argued about or seemed surprised at my clearly much bigger appetite. Infact no one even commented on the fact that my weight was much higher, up by about 7 kg from the last time they saw me.
Though I did pat my much wider and rounder belly a couple of times and content on being fat these days (Then shovel in even more food).

I guess my being bigger every visit has become the norm and is accepted. I hope for another shirt size atleast prior to my next visit, even if it's in 3 months!
I suppose by then I won't have to hide my excessive eating, hahaha.
10 years

Stealth eating...

2, definitely. I'm incredibly self-conscious about eating big meals in front of family (especially my wife's family,) so I eat next to nothing, then make up for it when I get home. Thankfully, we live kinda far from both our families, so I don't have to do this often.

Though now that I think about it, I usually wait until most of my family has left the food area, then discreetly sneak back and have more.

I don't usually hide snacks, but I definitely eat more and more fattening stuff when I'm commuting. Donuts, cheese bagels, fast food - the usual suspects. I always eat in the restaurant so the car doesn't smell like french fries, and I always make sure the wrappers are gone before I get home.
10 years
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