
Since what age?

I have been turned on by weight gain and stuffing ever since puberty. And I am a male. Initially preferred chubby girls in grammar and high school but being a member of boards like these for so long have opened my eyes to the beauty of BBWs and SSBBWs as well. And I found my own fattening where I slowly gained 130 lbs. to be very pleasurable and erotic as well.
10 years

Since what age?

misssouthfatty wrote:
female, 22 years old, gaining/being fat/overeating

I have honestly always wanted to gain weight and be fat, I can remember being a very skinny little girl and wanting to be extremely fat, I played fat by stuffing pillows up my shirt. I have just always had feedee/gainer instincts, I can't remember a time when I didn't overeat and pig out on junk food.

The pillow stuffing seems to be a very common occurrence with at least three different Women Feedees I have known on here.And your accidental gain triggering international gaining is also something I recall happening to someone I knew .Good Luck
10 years

Since what age?

I have been fascinated by fat for as long as I can remember, certainly as long as primary school, perhaps even kindergarten. First it was the fat kid at school. As a teenager, I didn't know any big girls but I tried some occasional stuffing and clothes padding to see what it looks like to be big. I also did drawings of big bellies. In a world without internet, I searched my parents art encyclopedia for paintings of Rubens and his colleagues. smiley When I got to university and got to learn more women, I really discovered my love for big women.

I think the padding and stuffing was more a kind of alternative for the lack of a real big woman, because I don't consider myself a stuffer or feedee, although the thoughts occasionally cross my mind, especially when I feel lonely.
10 years

Since what age?

I love this topic smiley

30 year old female, gainer who isn't exactly gaining at the moment (just thoroughly enjoying what I like to call the "maintenance plan"smiley.

I stuffed my shirts with pillows and plush toys as a kid, too! I also remember a very strong need to eat until I felt stuffed from a young age, although I'd always attributed that to being an emotional eater...? I was fascinated by bellies, mostly pregnant bellies because I saw more of them than fat women. I remember feeling so fascinated by the softness of fat people that it embarrassed me.

I didn't discover feedism and weight gain as a fetish until I was 19 or so (thank you FF and *** groups!). From then on it's been a part of my sexual life (mentally, at least), though it waffles between the forefront and far into the background. I dabbled in gaining at 24, and seriously went for it at 29.
9 years

Since what age?

33 - male - feeder fat admier
I've been aware of my desire for fat ladies and weight gainer since early puberty(6yo), but I had no idea that there is many ppl like me too so i started searching seriously to find it out better around 7 years ago or so.i had some feeding experience and it was so nice and awesome.
8 years

Since what age?

23 year old male, like both, liked for a while, started within this year
8 years

Since what age?

SweetLittleTreat: (think over 100-150 pounds within a year)

That's impressive! That's a pound every two to three days for a year. That would be really fun to watch.
8 years

Since what age?

30-something straight male, fat admirer. I have been fascinated by fat for as long as I can remember, since childhood. I grew up as a very skinny boy and found myself too skinny. As a teenager I have stuffed my clothes to try to feel what it is like to be fat and to see how it looks. Occasionally I would stuff myself with food and measure how much bigger my belly was afterwards, how much I gained etc. Despite that, I consider myself to be primarily a fat admirer. I do not consider myself to be a feedee or gainer. I stuffed mainly when I was feeling lonely and did not have a BBW in my life. Feeding myself then seemed like a substitute for my FA feelings, if that makes sense.
8 years

Since what age?

I'm a 28 year old Ace Male Gainer, I've been an FA my entire life and been gaining since 11 or 12. I'm closing in on my current goal of 400 pounds, probably headed to 500 after that.

I've done a lot of stuffing over the years, most of it with cheap but calorie dense food when I'm trying to accelerate my gains. While a stuffed belly certainly feels nice it's never been the goal for me, just a happy by-product of my gaining.
8 years

Since what age?

When I was young my mother was big on dieting and fat in general. She constantly talked down about fat people and put herself on strict diets, and ensured I ate healthy as well. It was pretty much constant during my early years.
I ended up with a vore/giant fetish sometime around the age of 5 so I was already somewhat "belly-centric." Up through childhood I remember feeling a strange guilty sensation if I overate or touched my stomach so I avoided the two.

Then around the age of 12 I happened upon a vore/inflation/wg site called stuffedonline. A lot of the content involved drawn images of women with large, full bellies and I started finding it really sexy. I tried stuffing myself a little around this time but didn't take it seriously until around 16.
8 years
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