
Fantasy of being weighed.

One of my favorite cartoons:

I wish To Know if this is part of a sequence seems like a Lost media I had never seen it before yet seems similar. I like collecting Feederism art and this one is extremely good. Let me know who did it and I will eagerly see more of that artist. Hope that's okay with you, for me to ask? Thanks.
1 year

Fantasy of being weighed.

That's my favorite part of a doctor's visit
1 year

Fantasy of being weighed.

My lady!

She's clinically hyper-obese, may actually be one of the fattest women in the country. 99.9 + percentile.

But she also has crazy good heart and cardio health. She told me she's had doctors rave about how she has the best heart they've ever seen. "But if your heart's so good... WHY ARE YOU SO FAT?!"

After a doctor's visit, she'll spend an entire day talking with her aunties who are all nurses. Almost bragging. "The doctor was so rude- but he wasn't wrong! I'm so fat!"
1 year

Fantasy of being weighed.

being wobbled to the scales is so hot!
1 year

Fantasy of being weighed.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and I just can't wait to get on the scale.
1 year
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