
I got busted!

Thankfully my parents don't care about what's on my laptop, like my pictures of fat guys. However if I found my boyfriend trying to hide food I'd be thrilled.smiley
9 years

I got busted!

I remember eating most of a box of Hershey bars from the pantry when I was a kid. Nobody was eating them or baking with them, so I figured they wouldn't be missed. I was right until my mom needed one a few weeks later, and found the box nearly empty. Nobody else fessed up, and I started bawling when she asked me, so I guess you'd call that busted.

As for the other thing, I've never been busted, and have recently deleted the photo stash for various and sundry reasons, but I'd suggest hiding it in the open. I kept it hidden in a folder on my hard drive, but hid it with an innocuous name in a subdirectory where nobody would ever look. For example: I was exploring Ruby programming a while back, and created a folder called Ruby to house my coding projects. Within that folder are several subdirectories, each containing various files, further subdirectories, more files, etc. Only one of the many folders was THE folder, and apart from me, nobody ever went looking for it. The only catches are to remember to save an innocuous image somewhere other than THE folder every once in a while, lest someone go to save a file, and "whoa, what's in this folder?", and to make sure not to share the folder. The last thing you want is a guest exploring your wifi network and finding it ^.^
9 years
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