
Heavy cream not working

i like to drink heavy cream n kaluaha or bailys,goes down quite nicely

Never tryed that i will thow
11 months

Heavy cream not working

I've used heavy cream to much success. Everything everyone has said is great advice. I'd add that, from what I've heard, your body can only digest so much so fast in a given time. So it might be better to take smaller amounts more frequently thru the day. I forget the numbers, but I heard something like your body can only process 1000 calories every 4 hours or 6 hours. Any excess is wasted.
Also, one of the biggest things that is frustrating but it is what it is, is that weight gain takes time. Lots of time for it to be noticeable. The scale can lie. As our weight can fluctuate daily by a decent amount. With 3500 excess calories a day to gain 1 lb. Which is in excess to the 2000-2500 you need just to exist. Not counting any walking, exercise, etc. Then It can take sometimes 10 or more lbs of gained fat to have it be noticeable. Even then, it's gonna be barely noticeable. Slow and steady wins the race with both weight gain and weight loss. Keep a journal of how many calories you take in a day. That can give an idea of how much weight you should theoretically be gaining. Then, just give it time. If you try to go to fast you can burn yourself out and give up. Keep those calories high each day and just keep at it. After a couple months it will definitely be noticeable. Hope that helps. Best of luck!
11 months

Heavy cream not working

I've used heavy cream to much success. Everything everyone has said is great advice. I'd add that, from what I've heard, your body can only digest so much so fast in a given time. So it might be better to take smaller amounts more frequently thru the day. I forget the numbers, but I heard something like your body can only process 1000 calories every 4 hours or 6 hours. Any excess is wasted.
Also, one of the biggest things that is frustrating but it is what it is, is that weight gain takes time. Lots of time for it to be noticeable. The scale can lie. As our weight can fluctuate daily by a decent amount. With 3500 excess calories a day to gain 1 lb. Which is in excess to the 2000-2500 you need just to exist. Not counting any walking, exercise, etc. Then It can take sometimes 10 or more lbs of gained fat to have it be noticeable. Even then, it's gonna be barely noticeable. Slow and steady wins the race with both weight gain and weight loss. Keep a journal of how many calories you take in a day. That can give an idea of how much weight you should theoretically be gaining. Then, just give it time. If you try to go to fast you can burn yourself out and give up. Keep those calories high each day and just keep at it. After a couple months it will definitely be noticeable. Hope that helps. Best of luck!

Thanks very much for the advice love the heavy cream myself
11 months
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