Fat experiences

Wife preparing for vacation

But like with most women, society's constructs of self-image run deep. And there are moments where she wishes to be thin again. But her obsession with food always reminds her that the reality of becoming and staying thin just doesn't fit the daily desires and enjoyment she wants in life.

This. Both.

Mine likes to reward herself with food. Console herself with food. She would love be thin while not changing anything to her eating pattern. For a while, yes. For always; no.

She's so happy how happy I am with her body. She clearly enjoys the general, romantic, and sexual attention.

But despite that, much of her self-image and self-experience remains dictated by society.
6 years

Wife preparing for vacation

Great updates, what weight is your wife currently?
6 years

Wife preparing for vacation

Great updates, what weight is your wife currently?
About 190. But she's only 5'3" and weighed 100lbs little over 2 years ago. I think she'll be around 225 by the end of the summer and hopefully break 250 by year's end which shouldn't be a problem if she remains on her medication.

Has anyone here been prescribed Prednisone? She is on it now for her foot. I knew it can make people ravenously hungry - my wife is insatiable. She eats all night long. She'll make a ravioli dinner at midnight and be eating potato chips within a half hour. She's easily put on 20lbs in the last few weeks while on it. Car is littered with fast food which is unlike her. And I see charges for Dairy Queen almost every day - doesn't help her dr's office is next to one, too!
6 years

Wife preparing for vacation

We've gone through 2 bouts of dieting. When she hit close to 215 she stopped her Lyrica/Gabapantin. She went down to 205 in short weeks but then started to snack again.

One of her fat friends came over for a while and we had a lot of body-positive conversations and talks along the line of "many men like a filled body." That seems to have reinforced her eating habit. Instead of using the scales daily she now uses them every 10 days or so.

Last weigh-in was close to 212 lbs. That's 16 lbs heavier than a year ago, and 22 lbs heavier than at the start of 2017.

It's also been a long time ago -- at least 4-6 months -- that there was any mention of "I really don't like myself like this." She loves the attention, sexual and otherwise, I give her.

While immobility isn't my fetish or so, I've been working on immobilizing her to reinforce a lazy, gaining lifestyle. I've slowly but surely been taking over tasks around the house she used to do. I already did all the groceries and meals, and I serve her her food. She doesn't work out of the house. I'd say that all together she moves maybe 15-30 minutes in a day now, maximum.

The latest behavior chance I've accustomed her too is that next to her side of the bed I keep 2 bags, 2 flavors, of her favorite chips. In the evening my routine is to check if she has enough, and if one of the bags is finished I go and put another one in its place. No pushback or remarks there.

The distance between her current weight and her low(est) weight is now substantial enough that a diet is a real uphill battle, but once I've grown her to 220-230 I think defeatism and acceptance will be deeper ingrained.

So far -- very good summer!
6 years
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