
Are there any women out there who prefer fat men?

My soon-to-be wife adores my fatness.
6 years

Are there any women out there who prefer fat men?

I love them. Of course there are facial features that make me more attracted or less when talking about looks alone, but I'm happy that I'm gettting to marry a chubby guy. He wants to lose weight because since he's been with me he's gained like 50lb and neither of us meant for that to happen. I support him but I do kinda wish he'd keep it. On the other hand I want his happiness first.

Have you told him you want him to keep the 50 pounds? A little encouragement can result in big gains! smiley
6 years

Are there any women out there who prefer fat men?

Well, at least to me, a fat man acknowledging his size is super sexy. Whether he's doing it in a self-deprecating apologetic way or a proud, �can't help but be big way�, a comment about his appetite or size will do me in. Same for a pat of the side of top of the belly, showing he knows how big he is and awaiting a response to it... pretty much a guaranteed swoon on my part.

Oh yeah, and as you mentioned, a bit of belly poking out the bottom of a shirt or straining against it? Pure delight!

For the 1st part: It is completely natural for me, because it is not visual. Difficulties occur in the visual domain, there often still exist nothing how men should react/look, whereas women have great ways to react/look in the same situations. A few days ago, in a supermarket, vegetables had been forgotten at the till. The employee (a woman) asked if it belongs to somebody. I answered loudly (all people in the queue heard me): "Vegetables? Me? Which are not the salad within a burger?" I am awaiting reactions from women the whole time. I love both: when they find me hot and when they are disgusted or even fat shame me.

The 2nd part with the "male crop top": in this case, this is something visual, but I know what to do, and I know many women love it. I wonder why we live in a society where only women can show off their belly. I think that we are not a species with one sex with a very rich and beautiful body and the other sex with a poor body. I read from a book by Richard Dawkins the example of peacocks. Males are very beautiful with a huge feather of all colors, because females chose the most beautiful males as mates and these features were selected by natural selection. But for female peacocks it didn’t work, because they were more endangered by predators than males (I don’t remember the reason of this radical difference): the loss of survival chances (this kind of beauty made them more visible for predators) was for them higher than the advantage of being more chosen by males, so that they have today a poor body. But we don’t see this difference between males and females by any mammals, as far as I know. Why do male rappers/DJs wear pullovers and caps, whereas Nicole Scherzinger (or Lizzo for the big beautiful version, google her, you will find her wonderful) wear sexy clothes? I wish it were normal for men to be like Nicole Scherzinger or Lizzo.

I wear myself too short skirts, but it is very political incorrect, so in general I do it as if it were an accident, carelessness from me (not intentional). At the beginning, there is little to see, and then there are plenty occasions why my shirt comes up “inadvertently”: I must carry an object to an elevated stand, or I have to stretch, etc. I had to be careful because of professional reasons, now I can begin to reveal it: I was a teacher for more than a year. That is why I deleted all my pictures with my face; I will publish them again in September.

One day in February or March 2018, in the neighbor city, I was wearing a shirt which was not long enough and my belly hanged out. I came back to my car, and I noticed that there was a woman who pleased me in the car behind mine. But oh, what a misfortune, cars were coming from the left, so I could not immediately go into my car. I turned myself to the left side (which was accidentally also the direction of the driver behind) in order to see the cars coming, to know when I would have the possibility to come into my car. I don’t remember if the sun was shining, but I put my hand above my eyes in order to be protected from the luminosity (and also for my shirt to come up and show off a larger part of my belly.) I quickly looked at the face of the driver behind my car, and she seemed to be extremely turned on. Then, I came into my car, I started to leave, but she left also, so I stopped to avoid any accident. She gave a signal with her hand out of her car that I should leave first, so I did it. She may have have fun with my driving way (4 indicators when I slow down without braking, tempo braking which reproduces a luminous warning sign of the road or a particular music, etc.) She also drove above the Rhone river to the same city, and after a few minutes, she took another direction.

I thought to an example of a turned on face by a woman: , when she sings with her band, in particular for 0:29 and 0:44 when she does it very well. Which face expression from a man would women love and understand as the same? Maybe it is difficult, because it doesn’t exist yet, but it should be created.
6 years

Are there any women out there who prefer fat men?

Yes we do exist don't worry, I myself love fat men, I like all sizes but I have a special place in my heart for bigger sizes, I also like fat but muscular men I think they look so adorable and huggable and strong, that goes for men who may not be muscular but just fat as well, I also like growing mens too, idk I like fit men well enough, but I feel as if bigger men with more chub feel better to cuddle with and hug and love~
6 years

Are there any women out there who prefer fat men?

the fatter the better i say
5 years

Are there any women out there who prefer fat men?

the fatter the better i say
5 years

Are there any women out there who prefer fat men?

Guys, you're all beautiful, sexy and lovable. 300lb+ middle-aged men are my favourite, but there's someone for every size and shape

I know I’m late in replying. It’s hard finding someone who like bigger guys but I’m not that big but trying to get to 300 so I can be attractive to those who look for guys that weigh 300. Hopefully there is someone out there for me. Last but not least Happy New Year!!
5 years

Are there any women out there who prefer fat men?

I have always preferred fat guys even back in high school.
My friends thought I was crazy and told me I could take my pick of the boys but I liked the fat boys because they were friendlier and more fun.
Cuter too.
5 years

Are there any women out there who prefer fat men?

Well, not everyone is in a feeder/feedee situation. Some guys will/have to get fat all on their own. ;-)

With 80% men and 20% women in the fat fetishism community, most of heterosexual men who want to get fat do it on their own (and for themselves / women in society, exhibitionism,, not for a partner.) Especially in countries where this community is nearly non existant and nearly all people would just be horrified if they knew.

In society, I would say that not all women react negatively to fat men. Some women (with my belly hanging out of my shirt, etc.) are obviously turned on.
This is spot on...
4 years

Are there any women out there who prefer fat men?

1 month
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