Story authors

Dimensions weight room

Thank you! These are an incredible resource. There is something about having a "curated" list of stories (perhaps they were even subject to editing at one time, by the librarian?) that is very nice. It assured a certain level of quality, and some of these stories remain among the best I have read online!
5 years

Dimensions weight room

That link does not work for me. ?
5 years

Dimensions weight room

The stories are not in the same place but they are all there. All the stories are still there. Some of the more erotic ones, you have to request access to, but it’s free to access them. Let me know if you have problems finding any of them.
Wait, Dimensions is gone?!?! TT___TT
I've been randomly returning back there every year or so for more than a decade! Dimensions was an institution... What happened to it?!

The remaining members will tell you one story, and the people who left will tell you a plethora of other, opposing stories.
My experience is
-people not into porn hated that there was a paysite section and that there were "disgusting" people who visited that board,
-there was an element of non-feedists who were always complaining about the pro-feedist stance of Dimensions (which was the way Conrad wanted it-pro feedist)
-they instituted major changes to what stories could stay and what could be written. Quite a few story artists left rather than feel censored. They went to either FF or Deviantart from what I can tell.
-there were a lot of SJWs that were constantly picking fights with others who don't share their world view. Those people left, too.

Now, all 5 people left can enjoy the website they control.
I haven't been there regularly since they got rid of all those awesome stories.
3 years

Dimensions weight room

I'd like to do my public service for the community today. I just noticed that the dimensions weight room link was excluded from the way back machine. I found another link in a different web archive so we don't lose it.
1 year

Dimensions weight room

Going to have to do some more research it seems as this archive isn't complete. This sucks for sure
1 year

Dimensions weight room

Going to have to do some more research it seems as this archive isn't complete. This sucks for sure

None of the links to stories seem to work, any ideas?
1 year

Dimensions weight room

So I don't have the full scoop on Dims, but according to a former supporting member, they sold out in recent years to a website management corporation who largely sanitized them in an attempt to garner ad revenue. Honest shame. I've sent a few strongly worded messages to have my account removed, we'll see how this goes.
1 year

Dimensions weight room

I believe this was a friend of mine who wrote that. Hers was called "Competition to Get Fatter". Let me know if that rings a bell.
2 months

Dimensions weight room

Does anyone else miss the collection of weight gain stories from the dimensions magazine website? I heard that the archive is no longer available. And sadly it is true. Hundreds of weight gain stories (some of my favorites) are now lost. Does anyone have any backup copies or anything saved? I loved some of those weight gain stories. Especially one called "Getting fat with friends". I know it's probably lost so I'm working on re-writing it myself. I'm hoping to complete it within a few weeks. Don't know who the original author was, but I wish i could give them credit for the reboot I'm writing.
1 month

Dimensions weight room

Does anyone know where to find these stories now?

Does anyone particularly have access to the Melanie Bell (I think) stories?
1 month
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