I don't know if my fetishistic levels of desire will ever clash with what the rest of me thinks and wants
I'm experiencing exactly this dilemma. Having accidentally put on ten pounds toward the end of last year, my wish to lose them again wrestled with my wish to put on another ten to the degree that the fantasy was beginning to feel intrusive. So to satisfy the latter, I decided to allow myself to just go nuts, but within a very strictly defined window of time, after which I would cut back down to my pre-winter weight.
So, over a period of seven days (my allocated gaining period) I consumed between 7,000 and 9,000 calories a day. The results were pretty amazing. On the morning of day 8 the scales were up 5 pounds.
Of course, this led to the inevitable desire to continue.
And so i did continue. I'm now up ten pounds and I don't think I'm going to be able to stop. Several times over the last two weeks I've made the decision to go into reverse. But then, perhaps during some mundane, everyday activity, I notice that I'm fatter, and suddenly I'm engulfed by the erotic tidal wave and all I can think about is adding calories. On Tuesday I took a 4,000 calorie lunch break because my pants were feeling a little tight. Insane.
Another 'addictive' aspect is also the fact that, after so many days of overeating, my capacity for food has increased and I'm constantly hungry.