Extreme obesity

Obvious brain washing

I always assumed the feeder was a woman.. it�s all in the eye of the beholder.

Takes all kinds!
5 years

Obvious brain washing

My approach has always been conveying that my wife has "earned" this lifestyle. It's her "reward" for working so hard and being a great mom. Now she can lay around and be pampered.

And the bigger she gets, the more drained she is: the more she feels she needs a nice reward and go out for a big dinner.

She never wanted to be fat. But now she believes she's earned the right to be a total lazy fat ass. She's put in her time, now it's time to be a princess. Get what she wants to eat, whenever she wants. Make her feel this is all about HER. And just keep the the food comin'.

It's a downward spiral from there.
5 years
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