Fattening others

Sneaky ways to fatten someone up

me and my best friend have been gaining for some time now and 2 weeks ago we started this challenge where we would take turns and for a week one would try to fatten up the other "secretly"

we've been trying to get creative but so far most of our sneakiness is "accidentally" ordering too much or adding gainer shake whenever we can (which honestly doesn't taste that great and is a little too expensive)

Anyway id appreciate ideas were really trying to be as realistic as possible and I'm hoping to find a few ideas that will actually be secretive smiley

Sugar is your best friend.
Cook a lot, cook with lard. I used to make my ex hash browns and eggs at night and would deep fry the hashbrowns then slather on butter that would melt in.
So if you guys have pizza ad some butter or better yet some melted lard to the top.
If you make dinner use lard in the mash.
4 years

Sneaky ways to fatten someone up

me and my best friend have been gaining for some time now and 2 weeks ago we started this challenge where we would take turns and for a week one would try to fatten up the other "secretly"

we've been trying to get creative but so far most of our sneakiness is "accidentally" ordering too much or adding gainer shake whenever we can (which honestly doesn't taste that great and is a little too expensive)

Anyway id appreciate ideas were really trying to be as realistic as possible and I'm hoping to find a few ideas that will actually be secretive smiley

Two recipes you may find if use.

Weight gain brownies
Any pack of brownie mix. Whatever amount of eggs it suggest don’t do whites just add twice the amount of yokes only.
Mix in weight gain powder to mix, you can go as many as 10 tablespoons if you use two packets of mix.

Add a kilo of butter for two packs or 500grams for one pack.

Ad Reece’s peanut chips and white and milk chocolate chips.

Do two layers the first with Nutella mixed with hifuctose corn syrup 3 table spoons, the second choc icing and corn syrup 2 tablespoons.


Alcoholic Weight gain shake

4 scoops choc ice cream (check sugar levels)
Two table spoons Nutella
Two table spoons peanut butter
Two table spoons hifuctose corn syrup
Two table spoons choc syrup
5 table spoons weight gain powder
One punnet double cream
One shot cinnamon whiskey
One shot frangelico
Fill with milk and blend well
4 years

Sneaky ways to fatten someone up

I swear, the bagger for our grocery store's curbside pickup is a secret feeder. For a month now they've subbed in fried chicken for our rotisserie chicken. We even had a random large bag of hershey kisses in our order last time. We didn't order that lol.
4 years

Sneaky ways to fatten someone up

I swear, the bagger for our grocery store's curbside pickup is a secret feeder. For a month now they've subbed in fried chicken for our rotisserie chicken. We even had a random large bag of hershey kisses in our order last time. We didn't order that lol.

It happens I work at McDonald’s when I was younger, would always give extra food to girls I thought needed a little extra meat on their bones

Could be a coincidence but a few of the regulars did end up bigger girls.
4 years

Sneaky ways to fatten someone up

4 scoops choc ice cream (check sugar levels)
Two table spoons Nutella
Two table spoons peanut butter
Two table spoons hifuctose corn syrup
Two table spoons choc syrup
5 table spoons weight gain powder
One punnet double cream
One shot cinnamon whiskey
One shot frangelico
Fill with milk and blend well

This recipe is superb. I still can't believe most gainer shakes don't include alcohol. Ounce per ounce it blows away everything, even heavy cream. And your body priorities metabolizing the alcohol for 100% of its energy needs until it's out of your system. Thus any calories you consume while alcohol is in your system is generally stored as body fat.

I would make sure the "weight gain powder" is dextrose or maltodextrin and not some type of overpriced whey protein.
4 years

Sneaky ways to fatten someone up

4 scoops choc ice cream (check sugar levels)
Two table spoons Nutella
Two table spoons peanut butter
Two table spoons hifuctose corn syrup
Two table spoons choc syrup
5 table spoons weight gain powder
One punnet double cream
One shot cinnamon whiskey
One shot frangelico
Fill with milk and blend well

This recipe is superb. I still can't believe most gainer shakes don't include alcohol. Ounce per ounce it blows away everything, even heavy cream. And your body priorities metabolizing the alcohol for 100% of its energy needs until it's out of your system. Thus any calories you consume while alcohol is in your system is generally stored as body fat.

I would make sure the "weight gain powder" is dextrose or maltodextrin and not some type of overpriced whey protein.

Thank you

100% agree with the weight gain powder.

Alcohol can be a really god send. Invented this shake for a feedee I had who wanted to gain fast, so as well as feeding she would drink two of these a day. One in morning, one in the evening. The evening one would be often be amounts a lot of other drinks
4 years
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