
Feedback required - validating accounts

Naaaa, we will just let them run rampant on the site! Haha kidding!

Believe you me, we are well and truly aware of the spambot accounts and are working hard to not only delete the accounts when they appear but also put more measures in place to stop the sign ups.

We have tackled this issue multiple times, but unfortunately keep being targeted by these people. Once we put the things in place to automatically spot these accounts and delete them, they then change and adapt and we then have to keep doing the same. Hopefully at some point they will get fed up of having to think of new ways to create accounts and naff off somewhere else.

It's extremely frustrating for us as mods and for everyone that uses the site. So we do apologise for this but bear with us while we continue to battle on with this one.

In the meantime, you can help by reporting the accounts to us using the abuse report flag on their profiles and include any links to messages you have been sent.


May I suggest adding a report post button as well? Also it's kinda weird how these scammers are so vehemently targeting a fat fetishism site. Then again I think a member here did lose several ten thousand dollars to a scammer so maybe they're just trying to catch the scam version of a whale.

That's a great idea, not sure if it's something we can implement straight away but definitely a useful feature going forwards!

I'm with you! It seems weird for us to be targeted. It just seems to come with the territory with any sites remotely related to sex or fetish.

A member from here got scammed for thousands? Wow that is very upsetting to hear! smiley

Please stay vigilant folks, we are doing our best to protect you from these people, but anyone posting links to other sites is likely to be something dodgy. So no how matter how enticing the messages may be that you receive, just take a moment before you act, and report it to us as soon as possible.

Thank you!
4 years
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