Submission and domination

What's your fantasy?

When I first get to about 300 lbs and have enough belly fat to unzip my pants and lift my belly up and just let it drop and see it slowly wobble over my pants and jiggle as it comes out
4 years

What's your fantasy?

Mine’s rather tame. I think I like soft/domestic feedism the best, whether it’s just me gaining or mutual. An SO with whom I share a lot of interests and hobbies and has a similar sense of humor... who also just happens to be into feedism and more of a fatsexual type too (as opposed to being turned on by genitals, like I assume vanilla/civilians are.)
Sure, the forced stuff is fun to read, but ultimately I think I’d be great to have someone to share this with, provided we “click” on different levels too.
Perhaps I’m just boring. LOL!
4 years

What's your fantasy?

Mine is to hit the tipping point where my weight gain gets out of control, and becomes something that I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to instead of something I have to put tons of effort into.
4 years

What's your fantasy?

Mine would be to have a girl who will run and workout with me during the day, and then at night, allows me to stuff her with all her favorite foods. If you ever seen the show “Fit to Fat to Fit,” that is what my perfect fantasy would be on the daily.
4 years

What's your fantasy?

I have so many but one of them would be to have a really hot personal trainer humiliate me. He makes me wear clothes that used to fit me when I was thinner, takes measurements and weighing me telling me how I have let myself go. Then makes me do sit-ups and pushups teasing me the whole time. Afterwards he forcefeeds me donuts and I go back to his place for more rewards.
4 years

What's your fantasy?

Being in a relationship with a sweet girl who loves cooking and baking way too much, while being her personal king-sized body pillow.
4 years

What's your fantasy?

my boyfriend was a chubby man, but now he's losing weight, but i'd really like to put on those extra pounds myself and this time be the big guy in the relationship. I want to be as great as he was and enjoy my body.
4 years

What's your fantasy?

would love to help you fatten up, watch those gym shorts explode, get to bloated and fat to keep up with the other trainers, forced to wear a body trimmer at gym only to find a bud lift up you shirt, yank it off and have that flab pour out n over those shorts - followed by a few belches smiley
4 years

What's your fantasy?

That's my fantasy too! And my reality.

4 years

What's your fantasy?

I want to grow up to my fantasy size of 340 by having extremely private sensual feedings. I want those rolls and huge boobs to be enjoyed by my feeder. Outgrowing and popping clothes in the process is like foreplay. Always want to be bigger than my feeder. He needs to worship every fat inch of my amazing body.
One day I might just explain the very strange weight goal.
4 years
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