
Domestic violence or potential domestic violence

Thanks everyone for your input. I knew It wasn’t just me
4 years

Domestic violence or potential domestic violence

Its a shame she treated you that way.
4 years

Domestic violence or potential domestic violence

I wouldn’t want anyone like that in my life. If you tell them to stop it means stop. That’s just disrespectful and rude.
4 years

Domestic violence or potential domestic violence

Either two people are compatible or they're not.

Some people thrive on pain, others on comfort, others on being left alone.

If a partner's behavior is abhorrent, and they refuse to accommodate your preferences, leave.

If you can't leave due to fear, involve the authorities. A situation this bad will only get worse.

There are billions of people in this world. It's insane to waste one's life in a bad relationship.
4 years
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