Lifestyle tips

How do you wipe your ass.

I'm still able to wipe on my own, but I planned ahead and bought a BB 2000 Bliss bidet toilet seat by a company called Bio Bidet. That thing is amazing, and has spoiled me rotten. It's all contained within the toilet seat. I just connected it to the water supply, plugged it into a wall outlet, and I'm in business. It can heat the seat, heat the water, and even has a drying function so I don't need to bother with wiping off the water when it's done.

Since regaining weight while under the effects of anti-androgens and estrogen, and without prednisone, I have noticed a change in my fat distribution. More of the weight goes to my hips, thighs, and butt, and less of it goes to my belly. The fat that goes to my belly is almost entirely subcutaneous. I don't have all that visceral fat that piled on when I was taking prednisone.

I noticed that the change in fat distribution has made it easier for me to wipe at work. I think the reduced amount of fat around my waist, combined with replacing it with subcutaneous fat, has made it much easier for me to bend and reach. It's much easier for me to wipe now at 243 pounds than it was when I weighed 233 pounds and had a bunch of visceral fat. I'm thrilled by this. It just makes life easier as I grow.
1 year
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