Lifestyle tips

Diabetes questions

Thank you so much for this information!!!!! Honestly this is what I have been looking for for so long.

In regards to your question, losing weight puts me into a deep depressive spiral and completely shuts off any sexual desire and really messes with how my body generally feels (it feels...gross ) when I lose weight.

I essentially have the opposite reaction as to when a civilian feels when they gain weight.

I've talked with numerous therapists over the years about this and it really isn't meeting criteria at all for BDD or any other mental health disorder. While I do have mental health issues, they are the typical ones most people experience (anxiety and ADHD).

So it puts me in a very tough spot if I had to lose for physical well being. So I'm trying to maximize how I can stay or gain at this weight. Don't get me wrong...I absolutely love the size I am now...and if I had to cash out and remain this size I'd be totally happy. But gaining to my goal weight has always been a dream of mine before I die.

Like you, and for my own many reasons, weight loss puts me in a depressive spiral as well. I recently got the "high blood sugar" alert and I'm trying to cope.

I get you. I'm happy with my body (stacked and jacked baby), so if I had to lose a whole bunch of weight, I'd be devastated.

But look at it this way - you're just stabilizing yourself. Improving the foundation as it were. Once you get yourself to where you need to be, you can better achieve your goals

I know it sucks, but you are going to be okay.

I assume you're answering Bigfatjeebus, but I appreciate your comment and understanding as well.

I was talking to you, silly bean. Bigfatjeebus posted about a year ago, and I don't necropost.

Oh! 🤣🤣🤣 I was so distraught and looking for info, I just threw out a search and raised a zombie?? 🧟‍♀️ My mistake! Jeez what a week I've had... LOL!
1 year

Diabetes questions

Oh! 🤣🤣🤣 I was so distraught and looking for info, I just threw out a search and raised a zombie?? 🧟‍♀️ My mistake! Jeez what a week I've had... LOL!

1 year

Diabetes questions

Oh! 🤣🤣🤣 I was so distraught and looking for info, I just threw out a search and raised a zombie?? 🧟‍♀️ My mistake! Jeez what a week I've had... LOL!


1 year
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