Fat experiences

What's your fat lifestyle?

Are you intentionally gaining weight: Yes.

Do you gain weight every year: Yes.

Weight: 206

Size: Pants, 42.

Avg calories per day: Unknown.

Avg # of meals per day: 3-4.

Typical meals eaten on average day: Pasta, breads, chicken.

Exercise amount: Currently 0 except for activity at work. A lot of walking and upper body movements.

Laziness level: As lazy as possible.

Relationship with food: I love it.
2 years

What's your fat lifestyle?

Are you intentionally gaining weight: yes

Do you gain weight every year: yes

Weight: 427

Size: 60 in pants

Avg calories per day: 6000

Avg # of meals per day: 2-4

Typical meals eaten on average day: enough for at least 3 people

Exercise amount: little to none just work

Laziness level: besides work I only move to use the bathroom and get more food

Relationship with food: can't get enough 😋
2 years

What's your fat lifestyle?

Are you intentionally gaining weight: most definitely

Do you gain weight every year: yes

Weight: 310

Size: 42 / 44 in pants

Avg calories per day: 4800

Avg # of meals per day: 4 - 6 (grazer)

Typical meals eaten on average day: carbs, carbs, carbs

Exercise amount: 25 minutes if walking, probably

Laziness level: high 😂

Relationship with food: more = better
2 years
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