Lifestyle tips

What made you decide to gain weight?

Ever since I was young I wanted to be fat. I remember my best friend's sister was huge, heck even my best friend was big too back in the day. When I hit my first puberty, I started gaining a bit of weight to the point where I was overweight. Unfortunately for me my grandmother got worried and made me lose weight by running on a treadmill... So by the time I graduated high school I was only 125 lbs. But once I discovered this site in 2010, that all changed. I started giving into my fantasy of being fat, so I started overeating and got up to around 175 lbs. Then I stopped since I wasn't making much money at the time. I started gaining again in 2016 and got around to 196 lbs. but stopped gaining again. Fast forward to early 2020 and I got a weird allergic reaction to something so I started taking steroids and that increased my appetite and I gained around another 20 lbs. or so. I eventually stopped taking the steroids and started transitioning so I needed to slim down a little bit... but then early last year I just started to give into my fantasy again. Unfortunately lately I must have lost some weight despite trying my hardest to get large meals from fast food places lately, so I'm not sure if I just lost muscle and that's why I'm around 218 lbs. now... anyways soon hopefully that will be changing since I will be moving and I'll have a fridge near my bed so I don't have to go far to get food and I'll be stocking my fridge up with some heavy whipping cream to make shakes again! I'm going to try my hardest to make it to at least 230 lbs before my birthday in May!
2 years

What made you decide to gain weight?

I like the way I look: soft, round, weak, hairless, helpless, no muscle tone, just curves
2 years
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