This is actually incredibly common! Eating disorders are complex simply because it’s one of the only psychiatric illnesses that society encourages and kind of idolizes in a sick way. Restrictive eating disorders can result in a really desexualized body type, and it can be about repression of desire and need, especially when there is shame tied to the concept of desire and need. It’s a denial of the erotic and it divorces the mind from the body. Feederism is the exact opposite of that—there’s eroticism in growing, in being fed, in sexual and physical need. There also something erotic about the way people look at you in a fatphobic society, the same way it can be erotic to do a “walk of shame” and know that the people you’re walking past suspect from the way you look that you’ve just had a wild night. It’s kind of like a “yeah that’s right, I fucking did it and there’s nothing you can do about it.” It’s subversive. And I often see that as people heal from their ED, they can move to the kink community… I’m not sure it’s causal necessarily, but it is a correlation I’ve observed
Wow, I think you really nailed the psychology behind feedism with this post. I’ve been thinking a lot about my own feeder kink lately, and it’s definitely a mix of a provider fetish and the subversiveness and hedonism you describe. Thank you for writing that.