
Falling into a spiral of staying full all the time…

Well 3 weeks later. I stopped binging, eating lighter, moving around more. I thought I was losing some of the weight but I think I just forgot what the non bloated feeling was like.

Yet today I found myself eating a lot again and got back up to 170.8 after some nice dinners (yes plural) and a smoothie.

Gosh it’s so tempting to just go buy a bunch of cream, ice cream, and more junk and try to hit 180. Any encouragers out there wanna help convince me to get over this hump?
2 years

Falling into a spiral of staying full all the time…

Well 3 weeks later. I stopped binging, eating lighter, moving around more. I thought I was losing some of the weight but I think I just forgot what the non bloated feeling was like.

Yet today I found myself eating a lot again and got back up to 170.8 after some nice dinners (yes plural) and a smoothie.

Gosh it’s so tempting to just go buy a bunch of cream, ice cream, and more junk and try to hit 180. Any encouragers out there wanna help convince me to get over this hump?

Hey bubba, saw your message to me but I can't view it cause I'm out for the day.

Kik me, kidguthrie.
2 years

Falling into a spiral of staying full all the time…

This is litterly how i started gaining weight 😂
Im closing in on 300 now and i want MORE 😅

Im curious did you loose the weight ?
7 months
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