Lifestyle tips

Losing to regain?

The wife did this once, and the flabbiness that shes gained is incredible. As a tactile experience there is nothing quite like it.

Also the regain was really fun.

She lost as she needed surgery to fix a deviated septum which was really affecting her sleep as she got bigger. She enjoyed the whole experience.

Another thing about losing and gaining is it really shows that you’re in control. For my wife she claims it allowed her to show herself that she is fat by choice not because she’s helpless in it which to her is important.
2 years

Losing to regain?

This happened to me, though the weight loss was not intentional. My initial attempts to gain weight with heavy whipping cream were very difficult, and I gave up on more than one occasion. I once got as high as 295 pounds, before taking an extended break. Without trying, I eventually wound up dropping back down to 212 pounds.

It was very demoralizing to lose all of that weight, but it is what it is. I started regaining near the end of November, 2021, and am currently over 255 pounds. The nice thing about regaining is that, since I'm no longer taking the prednisone, the fat has been piling on as subcutaneous fat. The hard pot belly is gone, replaced with soft, squishy, jiggly fat that is being deposited all over. It gives my body a very androgynous apperance.

I would prefer to gain some more weight on my hips, thighs, butt, and breasts. I'm going to see if switching to a different type of anti-androgen will help with the fat distribution.
2 years

Losing to regain?

Everyone is so different. I went from 360/370 to just under 200 lb a couple of years ago, but now I'm back at 330. I gained back the weight intentionally and packed it on very quickly, and this time, I have a very firm visceral yoga ball gut, whereas I had previously always been soft and jiggly. I want to get a good bit bigger, and I'm kind of amused thinking about ending up with a giant, explosively big pot belly.
1 year

Losing to regain?

I hit a high of 244 lbs last July (2022). I somewhat tried to lose weight by simply not drinking heavy cream and eating take out every day. I got all the way down to 217 lbs. Such and accomplishment... 217 lasted all of a few weeks. Before I knew it I was back in the 220s and at that point I truly knew I was never going to be fit again. As I write this I'm waiting for a Doordash order of McDonald's as I push my 240 lb gut to 250 and beyond
1 year

Losing to regain?

Currently considering doing this so I can take more before pics. And hopefully make a time lapse video of my belly growing
1 year

Losing to regain?

I've been there.
10 years ago I was 245lbs, dropped to 135lbs and now way over lol
1 year

Losing to regain?

This is EXACTLY what I have decided to do for now. I do LOVE periods of indulging and gaining, but at this time in my life I don’t want to get too big overall. Plus, the pounds piling on is so incredible to experience. I love it when my belly sprouts back out and my clothes tighten and strain…I also love noticing that I’m getting that cute little thigh rub waddle back 😉 I’m about to go on a long diet and get back down to 120 lbs (ish) and then the feast will begin again. Next time my goal is to go from 120-220 lbs.
1 year

Losing to regain?

Man you guys are making me want to lose 100lbs just so I can regain it again. Would love to have way more rolls and flab.
1 year

Losing to regain?

This is great - gaining will stretch u skin, loosing some of the skin will retract but most of it wont, this will make u wobble like crazy - slop about so to speak - that why for me a weight loss person with rolls of stretched saggy skin is as attracted if not more than fully porked out! - loosing weight made me wobble like crazy and my belly hang well thats just crazy to... but yep good way to become more loose and floppy
1 year

Losing to regain?

So good to find I am not alone in liking this.
1 year
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