Extreme obesity

Serious about being 600+?

I gained a lot of weight when I got over 480 pounds.
My goal was to stop at 600 and today I weigh 700 pounds.
The only thing I can say is that if you want to get fat, you will get fat.
By the time you hit 600 pounds, you'll be too fat to lose weight without surgery. Do little or nothing and eat a lot, that is the life of those of us who are extremely obese.
2 years

Serious about being 600+?

I gained a lot of weight when I got over 480 pounds.
My goal was to stop at 600 and today I weigh 700 pounds.
The only thing I can say is that if you want to get fat, you will get fat.
By the time you hit 600 pounds, you'll be too fat to lose weight without surgery. Do little or nothing and eat a lot, that is the life of those of us who are extremely obese.

How big were you before you decided to get huge?
2 years

Serious about being 600+?

I genuinely want to be 600lb+ I’ve been stuck at 335lb seemingly forever. I’ve tried eating a lot. Eating a little. Weight gain shakes. I’ve tried taking medication that increases appetite and enteral feeding. I’ve tried slightly manipulating hormones even. Can’t seem to break past the 335lb. It’s also worth noting that I also don’t lose weight either. My body has a very rigid weight setting. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so frustrating.

I genuinely envy those of you that can gain weight with ease.
2 years

Serious about being 600+?

If I could push a button, or if there was a machine, that would make me 600 pounds I wouldn't hesitate for a second! But god damn y'all, gaining that much weight is A LOT OF WORK.

I feel like getting g to 300 is even a lot of work. I cannot imagine how hard it must be to be 600!

I believe some people are simply gifted with being able to gain weight easily. I myself have a hard time just maintaining my body weight and eating enough to keep myself alive. And even when I overeat, I just burn right through it and nothing sticks.

Some people do I have that gift. I am one of those folks because I have always been able to gain easy. So, all I have to do is just add an extra meal in between one meal and I will see a difference in no time.
2 years

Serious about being 600+?

My beautiful blob of a lady is almost there, proportionally. She'll never make it to 600 I think, because she's 4'10". 600 pounds on her would be like 900 pounds on me! But by BMI calculations, to reach the mass I'd have at my height and 600 pounds... she's reaching the goal. 400 pounds- as massive at her height as I'd be at mine and 600. I know she can do it!
2 years

Serious about being 600+?

My partner has decided she is going to gain to 600 pounds. She is a little over 5 feet tall and currently around 400 pounds and has no difficulty gaining weight. She already has mobility issues and can not stand for very long and she can only walk very short distances.The mobility scooter has become uncomfortable and she has to use her wheelchair now. We have a new made to measure bariatric wheelchair on order. We are in the process of finding a more suitable home. As we know within the next couple of years she will be immobile.
2 years

Serious about being 600+?

The bigger I get the more I seem to want. 200 seemed enormous when i started at 130. Now 350 feels miniscule. Id rather just have my feeder decide for me smiley
2 years
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