Fat experiences

My biggest problem with my big fat belly

im short so bending over it tough
i feel like im going to pass out if i lean over and squish my tummy to tie my shoes
That is why I no longer wear shoes with laces on them. Ever since I gotten fat, I can’t help but rub my belly. As for seat belts, I had to order a seatbelt extender.
2 years

My biggest problem with my big fat belly

My legit problem with it is that to turn over in bed I either need to grab it to move it over or roll via my back because my belly gets stuck because I’m a stomach sleeper. Drives me nuts!

Dude me too! I have to pick my self up completely to roll over. And threw out the night I have switch side that my belly is on or my back hurts 🙃
2 years

My biggest problem with my big fat belly

I would give your bellies appreciative pats if i could
2 years

My biggest problem with my big fat belly

I would give your bellies appreciative pats if i could
2 years

My biggest problem with my big fat belly

I haven't even broke through 200 yet and I already do this
1 year

My biggest problem with my big fat belly

My newest problem with my big fat belly is it now touches the steering wheel. Witch means I have to drive with 2 hands because I cannot make the full rotation with hand because my belly stops it lol.
1 year
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