

I am very curious as to what you think the word "triggered" means? Because it meand you experiences a visceral, emotional response towards something.

Occurrence in response to a stimulus.

Ok, so that is not what that means.

When someone says they are triggered it means one of two things

1. You have PTSD and something causes you to have flashbacks or another emotional response.

2. You feel upset, distressed, or scared by something.

Usually, people mean the second one.

I hope this explains things for you.
1 year


Ok, so that is not what that means.

When someone says they are triggered it means one of two things

1. You have PTSD and something causes you to have flashbacks or another emotional response.

2. You feel upset, distressed, or scared by something.

Usually, people mean the second one.

I hope this explains things for you.

That's not entirely true. Your's correct. Mine's correct too.

When I get in touch with that word it's always used like I said. And mostly as a joke. e.g. you eat ice this way and a friend eats it that way. Then you say: ''That triggers me.'' As a joke.
Like there is a 'stimulus' where you can't ignore it and the reaction just happens on that.

So from my experience with the word, I don't associate it with heavy negative emotion and certainly not with PTSD, but with a relaxed and funny atmosphere or things which are irritating.
1 year


I’ve had such bad luck in the dating field that I’m starting to lose hope. I recently started talking to a guy who is a feedee and he lives only three hours away so I was happy we met. We called a few times and everything seemed really good at first, he’d say how happy and excited he was to have met me. But now he’s been super distant and leaves me on delivered for hours or even days. He says he’s just super busy which I can understand but I can’t help but think that’s not the reason because the same thing happened before with the last guy I talked to. I don’t know what to do, I don’t want to get attached to him just in case he leaves but I also don’t want to lose something that might be good

I kinda feel like the original purpose of this thread is getting lost in this discussion between Munchies and Neyu. I agree with munchies that neyus comment was rude but come on you two can discuss it in private so this thread can actually be used to giving advice to Grimalkin999 and helping her out.

Yeah, that's a fair assessment.

That being said, Grimalkin999 did reach out to me directly and we discussed the situation.
1 year


Oh my, I am so tempted to vent! ('Pointing fingers' is not okay, is it?)
1 year


Oh my, I am so tempted to vent! ('Pointing fingers' is not okay, is it?)

I don't know what you are about to do. But yes, finger pointing is generally not helpful.
1 year


I don't know what you are about to do. But yes, finger pointing is generally not helpful.[/quote]

I very much understand the frustration stated in the very beginning of this thread. Which is why I was, and still am, tempted to share my experience. And this is not about dating, but two people having a chemistry. Now, one party is very outspoken and has a pretty strong character, whereas the other is and does not, which made it very difficult to openly communicate. Honesty is very important, I think. Unfortunately, he was and is not very honest, never has been - not with himself, nor with anyone else. It always seemed like the easy way out on his end, whenever he 'disappeared'. There is, obviously, so much more to the story, but I'll leave it at this for now.

I sometimes can't help bunt wonder, if people on FF truly know what they want and desire - especially when it comes to wanting to meet IRL.
The 'pointing fingers' part was in reference to perhaps calling out the guy (he's on FF), who - in my world - is nothing but despicable at this point, which is a shame. I won't though, although it might save some ladies on here quite a bit of trouble!

Btw, I am not new to this site. I go way back to the late 90s with first being on Dimensions, and later moving on to this website. Been here on and off for years!
1 year


The thing with women is we might get a lot of matches, but they're not all quality matches. So we can have tons of matches but still feel just as frustrated as men with few because most of them will be men casting a wide net instead of being genuinely interested in us as people.
1 year


The thing with women is we might get a lot of matches, but they're not all quality matches. So we can have tons of matches but still feel just as frustrated as men with few because most of them will be men casting a wide net instead of being genuinely interested in us as people.

I would tend to agree, but, if I were to reply from a guy’s perspective, I would have to say that it’s hard for us to understand. More specifically, when a girl goes out, there will often be more than one guy trying to flirt with her over the course of an evening, regardless of the setting/venue. On the flip side, there are very few guys who will ever go out and find one girl, let alone more than one, who will initiate flirting. So, I think (if only my opinion) that one gender does not relate to the other on this level. When someone is always being flirted up (often a girl) it’s easier to be choosier. To that end, a guy may often think that he’s got to come up with something very quickly to impress, or, he will not have another chance.

As I write this, I realize that such behavior may make us (guys) look like idiots or desperate, but that’s not always the case. It may just be that we have been conditioned to believe that a girl won’t see the real person in us if we dont have some “game” right from the beginning

Kind of a messed up situation, no?
1 year


The thing with women is we might get a lot of matches, but they're not all quality matches. So we can have tons of matches but still feel just as frustrated as men with few because most of them will be men casting a wide net instead of being genuinely interested in us as people.

I would tend to agree, but, if I were to reply from a guy’s perspective, I would have to say that it’s hard for us to understand. More specifically, when a girl goes out, there will often be more than one guy trying to flirt with her over the course of an evening, regardless of the setting/venue. On the flip side, there are very few guys who will ever go out and find one girl, let alone more than one, who will initiate flirting. So, I think (if only my opinion) that one gender does not relate to the other on this level. When someone is always being flirted up (often a girl) it’s easier to be choosier. To that end, a guy may often think that he’s got to come up with something very quickly to impress, or, he will not have another chance.

As I write this, I realize that such behavior may make us (guys) look like idiots or desperate, but that’s not always the case. It may just be that we have been conditioned to believe that a girl won’t see the real person in us if we dont have some “game” right from the beginning

Kind of a messed up situation, no?

What you are describing is patriarchy and hegemonic masculinity. Within this social framework, the men are in charge, and the women are delicate prizes to be won.

In this dehumanizing system, men have to be something they are not in hopes to achieve success, and women are objects.

I do not say this to say that men are evil oppressors bent on subjegating women. Both men and women participate in upholding patriarchy all the time. Rather, I say this to provide clarity on the social constructs that most of us live in.
1 year


I do not believe I said any such thing. Either I did not express myself clearly, or, you mistook my meaning. I would attempt to qualify, however, I decline to do so at the risk of making myself the target of any further gratuitous and ad hominem attacks.

Thank you
1 year
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