
Adderall is ruining my gain...

Green Eyes Dose:
That is utter lies and they even have boards set up to prosecute doctors for incorrectly prescribing medications and people like you claiming opiods and amphetemines arent addiction causing.

No one said they weren't. What was said was that they ARE medically necessary for some people. The literal effect of medical amphetamines (which are not the same as recreational methamphetamine) for those who actually need them is vastly different than those who are actual drug-seekers. We know this for medical fact. My prescription is for ADHD which is more or less caused by (or presumed to be) deficincies in dopamine and norepinephrine. Medical amphetamines solve that problem.

Addiction is a disease often dependent on factors such as our brain chemicals. So is ADHD, and so are sleep disorders like OP discussed. No two brains are the same. Therefore, what people respond to and may be inclined to become dependent on vary wildly from person to person.

That is WHY Adderall is so heavily controlled. Because of people like you who literally do not know what they're talking about.

These are basic medical facts, and it is not your place to come trauma dump on a woman seeking advice about her appetite because she's prescribed a medication that is otherwise affecting her positively with intended results *as it was designed to do*
1 year

Adderall is ruining my gain...

Hey all,

I have a rare sleep condition and recently was prescribed Adderall to help me function during the day. It's been incredible for that and a total life changer. But I think I underestimated it's impact on my appetite.

My appetite was low-ish before, but I was still able to get a solid gain by eating extra and stuffing from time to time. But now my appetite is like nonexistent. It's doubled the effort it takes to eat past the point of fullness and decreased the desire to eat at all.

I'm starting to feel hopeless against it and don't know what to do. Forcing myself to eat when I'm not hungry results in nausea and stomach pain. But I'm desperate not to lose weight. I'm at a loss with this...

Any insight or advice would be super helpful right now 😭

I went to WebMD and found this:
1 year

Adderall is ruining my gain...

Hey all,

I have a rare sleep condition and recently was prescribed Adderall to help me function during the day. It's been incredible for that and a total life changer. But I think I underestimated it's impact on my appetite.

My appetite was low-ish before, but I was still able to get a solid gain by eating extra and stuffing from time to time. But now my appetite is like nonexistent. It's doubled the effort it takes to eat past the point of fullness and decreased the desire to eat at all.

I'm starting to feel hopeless against it and don't know what to do. Forcing myself to eat when I'm not hungry results in nausea and stomach pain. But I'm desperate not to lose weight. I'm at a loss with this...

Any insight or advice would be super helpful right now 😭
I don't really have any advice but I do sympathize with your situation. The medication i take for diabetes has the same effect. It's very effective for controlling my blood sugars, but the side effect is frustrating. I suppose one thought I've had is to eat smaller amounts more often to counteract the effect, but that isn't always practical. Hope you find a good solution.
1 year
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