
Deep fryers? worth it?

Chef Feeder:
While air/induction fryers are a godsend and easy to clean, you really can't beat the calorie surplus that a deep fryer will net you. IF that's what you're looking for.

Cleanup is a bitch, but you can get quite a few uses out of one batch of oil. It will eventually become visibly obvious when you need to change the oil.

I would say the extra effort and cleanup is worth it because you're essentially increasing the calories of what you put in by at LEAST 50%.

Also, maintaining it is 90% of the work. It is dangerously easy AND cheap to make deep fried oreos, chicken wings you name it. Sometimes if I don't feel like really cooking I'll use the fryer just for pizza rolls (which more than doubles their calories).

It isn't messy to use if your fryer comes with a splash cover/top, but cleaning can potentially get a LITTLE messy and kind a gross if you're not careful. Also, have a good vent or open window unless u like the smell of heated oil filling your space for a day or two.

I use it as a deep fryer. Lol.. A good pot, put in the oil, and viola. The oil can also easily be strained/filtered before reusing. I'm gona die on this hill.. Lol

Also see you are a chef (?) so I may defer with caloric increase.

Not a real chef haha. But I've spent years working as a cook at somewhat high end restaurants
1 year
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