Fat experiences

Ever get envious of other peoples sizes?

I get envious of women who are bigger than my partner and she knows this and does not like it!!
1 year

Ever get envious of other peoples sizes?

Yeah I do! There are loads of people who I see and just think wow you look incredible! I just wish there was a device where I could pick what size and shape my body could be

So much this.
1 year

Ever get envious of other peoples sizes?

All the time but that envy quickly turns to motivation to get to their size as soon as possible.

It's a good push to eat even more during stuffing's
1 year

Ever get envious of other peoples sizes?

Honestly I have always been jealous of fat people. I was born with a naturally slim figure and fast metabolism that I developed at 12. Before then I was somewhat chubby. I wish I just grew up fat. That way I wouldn’t have to deal with my mom insulting me for gaining weight (if I choose to do so). If I had the “I’m naturally fat” excuse I could live out my desires with less shit from my mom. I might never be able to get fat. It makes me super sad when I think about it. But it is calories in calories out in the end. Yet it’s hard to get fat like I want when I have a metabolism of 2500-3000 calories a day at my slim size without exercise. I’m a bit jealous of naturally fat people.
1 year
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