
Wanting to get fat, but also wanting to get in shape

I used to be in phenomenal shape I was a college wrestler, granted I gained weight over a long period of time and I was pretty fat when I learned I wanted to be fat and get fatter but I haven’t had any desires to be fit again, maybe had some inclination to lose some weight (never really went anywhere) but never actually to get fit again being fat is much more fun
1 year

Wanting to get fat, but also wanting to get in shape

I'm the same way tbh
1 year

Wanting to get fat, but also wanting to get in shape

I can relate to this. I love eating whatever I want whenever I want which has led to a nearly 60 pound slow weight gain over the years. As I've slowed down I've also gotten very out of shape.

For the past month I have started working out again while making no attempt to diet. For me, the results have been amazing. I still have my big belly and can enjoy food, but I also don't get as winded and just generally feel much better! I do believe with the right mindset fatness and fitness can be achieved simultaneously.
1 year

Wanting to get fat, but also wanting to get in shape

Yeah honestly this has hit me a lot. Like fantasy wise and sexually it’s stimulating to get big. But trying to find a partner at my current weight has been rough.

So I’ve gone back to trying to lose weight. But there is an internal battle of wanting to eat. Lol
1 year
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