
Had to block my first person today

With me I keep all this stuff on FF, and don't give people my private socials

I've also vowed to never post a pic of myself again here. As I got a lot of creeps suddenly being real interested in me and I just dont want to deal with that again

And if a guy asks for pics or says anything along the lines "wish i could see" I instantly shoot the request down, especially if they ask for pics early on in a convo

I'm a person, not a object for a guy to get a quick wank
1 year

Had to block my first person today

That's rough, why can't people be respectful here?
1 year

Had to block my first person today

First off, I'm so sorry this happened to you.
I definitely think you are judging the situation correctly as anyone who places an ultimatum or a "quid pro quo" onto you, should set off a red flag.
I second the advice already given. Also, I say always trust your inner voice.
I do hope you continue to enjoy the site, albeit with some more cautious approaches in your future interactions, and don't let one bad apple ruin the bunch!

Ouch. A term comes to mind: Regression to the mean
1 year

Had to block my first person today

Would a flagging/report system for obnoxious people work or would that just be abused?

Like if 5 differnt people flag someone for being a pest they get banned?
1 year

Had to block my first person today

Letters And Numbers:
Would a flagging/report system for obnoxious people work or would that just be abused?

Like if 5 differnt people flag someone for being a pest they get banned?

A voting/karma system like this with that kind of penalty would likely cause more problems than it causes. Imagine if there's a clique, and then someone gets on the "shitlist" of that clique for a petty reason.

One person could also try to open multiple accounts to try to game the voting system. You aren't supposed to open multiple accounts, and we crack down on this when discovered, but this isn't always right away.

That said, it does help when multiple users report the same troublemaker, and give as much detail as possible.

It's best if an administrator directly observes the behavior when it happens, though this isn't always possible.

We do wish to get rid of obvious troublemakers, trolls, and scammers. We also want to strongly discourage obvious, intent, disrespectful behavior. But we don't want to mistakenly remove someone because of petty, minor disagreements.
1 year

Had to block my first person today

Letters And Numbers:
Would a flagging/report system for obnoxious people work or would that just be abused?

Like if 5 differnt people flag someone for being a pest they get banned?

A voting/karma system like this with that kind of penalty would likely cause more problems than it causes. Imagine if there's a clique, and then someone gets on the "shitlist" of that clique for a petty reason.

One person could also try to open multiple accounts to try to game the voting system. You aren't supposed to open multiple accounts, and we crack down on this when discovered, but this isn't always right away.

That said, it does help when multiple users report the same troublemaker, and give as much detail as possible.

It's best if an administrator directly observes the behavior when it happens, though this isn't always possible.

We do wish to get rid of obvious troublemakers, trolls, and scammers. We also want to strongly discourage obvious, intent, disrespectful behavior. But we don't want to mistakenly remove someone because of petty, minor disagreements.

I agree with all of that, and I guess I’d never take moderator judgement out of the equation, but I’m sure that most of the most obnoxious (but not really breaking site rules) behavior takes place in DM, which (I hope) mods don’t have access to unless shown screen shots. A flagging system for people who aren’t specifically violating site rules but who could also be chasing away users (and the type of user who brings revenue to the site) and generally acting scummy might be useful?
1 year
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