Lifestyle tips

Frustrated that i can't pack myself with everything i ordered for my meal

I ate almost 3000 calories for breakfast and I've gotten about half of the 3500+ calories for lunch down (stomach is uncomfortably full though). I'm definitely a bit frustrated that I can't finish one of the orders of fries, a couple of the nuggets, and half the Double Quarter pounder with cheese. I figure I can give myself a bit of a break before trying to stuff the rest of it all in. How long does it take to increase capacity and hunger response through constantly stuffing yourself to the limit at every meal?

Just as you cannot expect to achieve a full split when your are starting with average flexibility, the same can be said of stomach capacity. If you push yourself too hard too fast, you're just going to puke.

Be patient with yourself. It's best to do it methodically over time.

Tell me. What is your current method to increase your capacity?

I don't really have one to be honest. I just try to get a decent amount of high calorie food that I think I can eat in one sitting if I push myself a bit and just do that. (I think part of my problem today was only waiting 3 hours between massive meals to stuff myself again).

Speaking as a gainer turned feeder who is into extreme weight gain and has fattened up multiple people, you are doing too much.

An all day max capacity stuffing is always fun, but only after you trained your body to handle being that full. If you haven't you are setting yourself up for failure.

Tell me. What does a normal day of eating look like to you?

Nothing too crazy, just normal sized meals with some snacks in between them.

Honestly, it would be best to increase the portion size of your meals, but not too drastically. Have another helping or two. Maybe increase your snacks. Get used to feeling comfortably stuffed after you eat. If you want to push yourself, eat a little bit more, but nothing too crazy.

Also, don't focus on heavy meals. You'll struggle to digest and find yourself eating less than you planned. Instead, eat a good mix of things. Since you are focusing on your capacity, don't focus too much on calories. I promise the weight will come.

You make valid points. Honestly, the breakfast that I ate was really filling and satisfying, once I tried to stuff myself with an even bigger lunch right afterwards, it was too much and made me feel sick and I wasn't really able to eat it all or anything else for a while afterwards.

Honestly, if I decide to go all in on gaining, I might look into starting my day with that breakfast, and then just eating as I normally would, just with slowly trying to increase the portions. Starting my day with a baseline of 3000 calories and a nice, filling, but not uncomfortably so, breakfast would likely cause my weight to increase substantially if I could keep it up consistently. Two sausage egg and cheese McGriddles, a Cinnamon Roll, a Large Mocha Frappe, and a Large Burger King Hashbrown isn't a ton of food, but it packs a ton of calories.

You could do it that way. However, I find that ending the day with a large meal is a good way to wake up hungry.

I do caution against eating a large meal and then immediately going to bed as this can lead to heartburn-related issues. Personally, I recommend waiting an hour or two before sleeping so your stomach can settle and digest. Maybe sleeping propped up with pillows if possible.
1 year

Frustrated that i can't pack myself with everything i ordered for my meal

I ate almost 3000 calories for breakfast and I've gotten about half of the 3500+ calories for lunch down (stomach is uncomfortably full though). I'm definitely a bit frustrated that I can't finish one of the orders of fries, a couple of the nuggets, and half the Double Quarter pounder with cheese. I figure I can give myself a bit of a break before trying to stuff the rest of it all in. How long does it take to increase capacity and hunger response through constantly stuffing yourself to the limit at every meal?

Just as you cannot expect to achieve a full split when your are starting with average flexibility, the same can be said of stomach capacity. If you push yourself too hard too fast, you're just going to puke.

Be patient with yourself. It's best to do it methodically over time.

Tell me. What is your current method to increase your capacity?

I don't really have one to be honest. I just try to get a decent amount of high calorie food that I think I can eat in one sitting if I push myself a bit and just do that. (I think part of my problem today was only waiting 3 hours between massive meals to stuff myself again).

Speaking as a gainer turned feeder who is into extreme weight gain and has fattened up multiple people, you are doing too much.

An all day max capacity stuffing is always fun, but only after you trained your body to handle being that full. If you haven't you are setting yourself up for failure.

Tell me. What does a normal day of eating look like to you?

Nothing too crazy, just normal sized meals with some snacks in between them.

Honestly, it would be best to increase the portion size of your meals, but not too drastically. Have another helping or two. Maybe increase your snacks. Get used to feeling comfortably stuffed after you eat. If you want to push yourself, eat a little bit more, but nothing too crazy.

Also, don't focus on heavy meals. You'll struggle to digest and find yourself eating less than you planned. Instead, eat a good mix of things. Since you are focusing on your capacity, don't focus too much on calories. I promise the weight will come.

You make valid points. Honestly, the breakfast that I ate was really filling and satisfying, once I tried to stuff myself with an even bigger lunch right afterwards, it was too much and made me feel sick and I wasn't really able to eat it all or anything else for a while afterwards.

Honestly, if I decide to go all in on gaining, I might look into starting my day with that breakfast, and then just eating as I normally would, just with slowly trying to increase the portions. Starting my day with a baseline of 3000 calories and a nice, filling, but not uncomfortably so, breakfast would likely cause my weight to increase substantially if I could keep it up consistently. Two sausage egg and cheese McGriddles, a Cinnamon Roll, a Large Mocha Frappe, and a Large Burger King Hashbrown isn't a ton of food, but it packs a ton of calories.

You could do it that way. However, I find that ending the day with a large meal is a good way to wake up hungry.

I do caution against eating a large meal and then immediately going to bed as this can lead to heartburn-related issues. Personally, I recommend waiting an hour or two before sleeping so your stomach can settle and digest. Maybe sleeping propped up with pillows if possible.

Conversely, eating a large breakfast is a great way to suppress your appetite for the rest of the day; this is a well-tested phenomenon that's the basis for a lot of effective weight-loss plans.

I'm not sure if it would prevent you from eating more if you *wanted,* but it does stop cravings, and it's worth a shot to try different eating patterns, each over a week, and track your intake with each one.
1 year

Frustrated that i can't pack myself with everything i ordered for my meal

I ate almost 3000 calories for breakfast and I've gotten about half of the 3500+ calories for lunch down (stomach is uncomfortably full though). I'm definitely a bit frustrated that I can't finish one of the orders of fries, a couple of the nuggets, and half the Double Quarter pounder with cheese. I figure I can give myself a bit of a break before trying to stuff the rest of it all in. How long does it take to increase capacity and hunger response through constantly stuffing yourself to the limit at every meal?

Just as you cannot expect to achieve a full split when your are starting with average flexibility, the same can be said of stomach capacity. If you push yourself too hard too fast, you're just going to puke.

Be patient with yourself. It's best to do it methodically over time.

Tell me. What is your current method to increase your capacity?

I don't really have one to be honest. I just try to get a decent amount of high calorie food that I think I can eat in one sitting if I push myself a bit and just do that. (I think part of my problem today was only waiting 3 hours between massive meals to stuff myself again).

Speaking as a gainer turned feeder who is into extreme weight gain and has fattened up multiple people, you are doing too much.

An all day max capacity stuffing is always fun, but only after you trained your body to handle being that full. If you haven't you are setting yourself up for failure.

Tell me. What does a normal day of eating look like to you?

Nothing too crazy, just normal sized meals with some snacks in between them.

Honestly, it would be best to increase the portion size of your meals, but not too drastically. Have another helping or two. Maybe increase your snacks. Get used to feeling comfortably stuffed after you eat. If you want to push yourself, eat a little bit more, but nothing too crazy.

Also, don't focus on heavy meals. You'll struggle to digest and find yourself eating less than you planned. Instead, eat a good mix of things. Since you are focusing on your capacity, don't focus too much on calories. I promise the weight will come.

You make valid points. Honestly, the breakfast that I ate was really filling and satisfying, once I tried to stuff myself with an even bigger lunch right afterwards, it was too much and made me feel sick and I wasn't really able to eat it all or anything else for a while afterwards.

Honestly, if I decide to go all in on gaining, I might look into starting my day with that breakfast, and then just eating as I normally would, just with slowly trying to increase the portions. Starting my day with a baseline of 3000 calories and a nice, filling, but not uncomfortably so, breakfast would likely cause my weight to increase substantially if I could keep it up consistently. Two sausage egg and cheese McGriddles, a Cinnamon Roll, a Large Mocha Frappe, and a Large Burger King Hashbrown isn't a ton of food, but it packs a ton of calories.

You could do it that way. However, I find that ending the day with a large meal is a good way to wake up hungry.

I do caution against eating a large meal and then immediately going to bed as this can lead to heartburn-related issues. Personally, I recommend waiting an hour or two before sleeping so your stomach can settle and digest. Maybe sleeping propped up with pillows if possible.

Conversely, eating a large breakfast is a great way to suppress your appetite for the rest of the day; this is a well-tested phenomenon that's the basis for a lot of effective weight-loss plans.

I'm not sure if it would prevent you from eating more if you *wanted,* but it does stop cravings, and it's worth a shot to try different eating patterns, each over a week, and track your intake with each one.

You can eat a big meal, but it helps if it isn't very filling so you can be hungry later.
1 year
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