Lifestyle tips


Has anyone been involved with a feedee/partner/wife/husband who got cold feet? Why partner is feeling unsure now after almost 3 years. I love her but she weighs 445lbs. I love her but she is also almost 500. Should I lay off or just make her a half ton. I mean in all honesty she can barely sit up.

People are allowed to change their minds about what they choose to do with their body. It doesn't matter that she's your wife or that you want to see her reach 500lbs, if she doesn't want to gain anymore and/or wants to lose weight then you need to make peace with that and let her do what she wants with her body.

Slixxx666:She is just nervous. I don’t think she thought we’d take it this far. We have been together 9 years. I think like it or not she will love being 500.

At the end of the day, what you think doesn't trump how she feels or what she wants for her own body.

My advice: stop trying to control how your wife lives and start supporting what she wants for herself more. She has obviously supported you and your desire to fatten her up and klet you make her bigger than she's happy to be, now it's your turn to support her and help her get to a size and weight where she can be happy.

And if you can't love and support her in losing weight or at least no longer gaining then your love is conditional and there needs to be a big, open discussion about the future of your relatinship.
1 year


We chatted. Thank you all for the advice.

1 year
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