
Claire sweeney's big fat diet

yeah that was the best weight gain on a girl cause, too, so descriptive and nice to see reactions from friends lol and loved her sweet behavior and smiling and of course her fuller figure hihi
she really got a substantial belly when sitting in this sunchair lol

and she really is a bauty and nice girl it seems

Thumbs up Claire
13 years

Claire sweeney's big fat diet

jimmybobby wrote:
Hey Guys,

I have had another couple of requests to re-upload the documentary. Luckily for you guys I am a digital hoarder, so here's another link:


i tried downloading it but it says i have exceeded my maximum free downloads.
11 years

Claire sweeney's big fat diet

richardjsmith wrote:
I prefer it if extra weight on a woman goes to the hips/butt/tits. 28lbs is not a lot of weight to gain but if it adds 10 inches to the waist alone, that's isn't as healthy, and it decreases the difference between the waist/hips.

The part about extra fat on the hips/thighs being healthier than fat around the waist isnt true, when people say that they mean visceral fat, not subcutaneous
so you cant actually tell if someone has unhealthy visceral fat from the all
11 years

Claire sweeney's big fat diet

Anobody got a working link to this video?
10 years

Claire sweeney's big fat diet

I know there is parts of it on youtube, but i guess someone has the full video?
10 years
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