Fat experiences

How many in a relationship where your partner weighs more than you?

I'm 250 and my wife is 300+ (it's been a while since her last weigh-in so not sure how much, I think she was 320 at her last one). She has a 60" waist and F-cup breasts. She is so attractive and lately she has been feeling confident enough to wear tighter and shorter dresses that accentuate her belly, hips, and breasts. She is honestly the woman of my dreams and I am so lucky to have her!

She does sound pretty dreamy...
1 year

How many in a relationship where your partner weighs more than you?

Im roughly around 6 feet and was 255 pounds at the time and dated a girl that was slightly shorter than me but was definitely more or less 400 pounds.She was so big that I couldn't put my arms around her at all and her behind kinda spilled out whenever she sat down and had to keep re adjusting her seat.I asked her out to go minigolf and I had to help her out sometimes to pick up the golf balls because her belly was too big to bend over and pick it up.Then when we agreed to just walk over to a restaurant that was near us,but not even 30 seconds into walking I can hear her breathing heavily as if we were jogging for 5 minutes already.Even tho I found it a bit attractive I tried my best to just pretend to not hear anything so that i wouldn't embarrassed her

Whenever I was right next to her i felt like i was the skinniest man in the city which was a very conflicting feeling lol
1 year

How many in a relationship where your partner weighs more than you?

Last relation ship I was in I started at 5’10 @245lbs and she was 5’4 @ 265 when we split I was 5’10 @ 318 and she was 5’4” @ 290
1 year

How many in a relationship where your partner weighs more than you?

I’m just curious how many are in a situation where your partner weighs more than you?

I’ve been on both sides of the weight equation, though despite my best efforts, never the fat one. For contrast with the information below, i started out at 183 cm/6'0" and am slightly shorter now apparently due to age-related stuff. I was hard-locked at 68 kg/150 lbs. for years, having crept up to a brief peak of about 81 kg/180 lbs. and more commonly in recent years somewhere in the 72-77 kg/160-170 lbs. range.

Note that i’m rounding the units, so the conversions are imprecise and strictly speaking, a little off.

Relationship #1, 1980s, unintentional feedism when neither of us knew that it was a thing, or even that fat admiration was a thing. She was about 162 cm/5'4" with a “slight” build, and the only average/slender one in her fat family. Seeking food freedom, reading my intrinsic desires far better than i could at the time, and working several different bakery jobs had her ease up from circa 54 kg/120-something pounds to my 150 lbs. It was very exciting that she weighed as much as me at a much shorter height, and it was mostly luscious soft fat!

She did not like being fat nor my response. The intimate interpersonal relationship ended a few years later, mostly for other reasons.

Relationship #2 was only half a year in 1990, with someone also shorter and weighing less. No weight gain. She was creeped out by my desires for soft fatness (on my lover, at that point in time), the one or two times i expressed them and thought i was awful for having those desires. I found sex difficult with so little fatness on her, and this should have been a clue to me.

Relationship #3 in the mid-1990s was my first after finding NAAFA and the fatosphere, mostly online. First time i intentionally sought a fat woman. She was about 173 cm/5'8", and weighed about 119 kg/262 lbs. at the start. The size difference was pleasing, though this is where i had a lesson in body diversity: there really is such a thing as big-boned. She was firm nearly everywhere, rather than soft. Very brief experiment early on with intentional fat gain that went very wrong (wholly beyond my control). We were together many years, and i’m still in contact with her on a platonic sometimes-housemate basis. Her weight decreased over the years rather than increasing, with the peak being near when she and i started.

Relationship #4 is the current one, started end of this past October. She’s around 162 cm/5'4" like my #1, with an entirely different build. She’s always been fat, and mostly what we in the community would classify as superfat/supersized. She was right about double my weight in the 150-154 kg/330-340 lb. range when we got together, and has gone up since then. I don’t know the weight—she said something about 6 to 10 pounds—but her clothes are snugger and she’s having trouble squeezing into booths at restaurants she’s long frequented, and for sure my arm no longer touches the far side of the bed when i’m wrapped as cuddly-snug as possible behind her with my arm around her lower belly.

She’s the one whom i’ve mentioned in other recent posts who has long been aware of NAAFA and BBW bashes and to a much lesser degree the online fatosphere/fatlovesex realm. From last July, she and i have gone very deep getting to know each other well, hence she knows all about the specifics of my FA nature and joy and wonderment of fat gain. We’re not officially in a feedism relationship, though she’s open to it and we do play with it. Mostly for us it’s about her personal empowerment and food freedom, which for various reasons is more likely to lead to more of her to love over time rather than the same or less. She reports experiencing me unavoidably going wild over her fat gains to be empowering and wonderful, which adds a little bias for her to have a little more to eat or (non-alcoholic) drink when the voices in her head are giving her conflicting advice.

She’s very soft all over from the thighs up, and shapely muscular on her lower legs (as would be expected from a lifetime of weight-bearing exercise hauling herself around). What amazes me the most when i feel her is how her bone structure feels about like that of someone of her height of “average” build, with heaps of soft, warm subcutaneous fat piled on. It’s amazing and wonderful to be with her, and thankfully there are many other layers of her and my bond beyond the physical/fat stuff.
1 year

How many in a relationship where your partner weighs more than you?

There might have been one girl that weighed less than me dating in my adulthood.
1 year

How many in a relationship where your partner weighs more than you?

I am working on my other half getting to double my BMI, then double my weight. I have never slept with a skinny girl, and the 1 that I dated many years ago was a dud at first base.
1 year

How many in a relationship where your partner weighs more than you?

I’m just curious how many are in a situation where your partner weighs more than you? I’m 5’7 150lbs and my spouse is 5’4” 220 lbs and I find the contrast so sexy. She’s all tummy and she’s so beautiful.

My ex was big when we met, about 300-350 lbs meanwhile I was at 150. After 3 years of dating he was over 600 lbs when we split, I had gotten up to about 250
1 month

How many in a relationship where your partner weighs more than you?

I have known my wife for over 20 years and have never weighed more than her. Sometimes we're close in weight, sometimes we're farther apart.

She is going for WLS at the end of March and I am in a gaining mode right now. So it might not be long before I weigh more than her for the first time ever.
1 month

How many in a relationship where your partner weighs more than you?

My previous partner was around 400lbs and I was 210lbs when we started dating, however with my wife, I'm now the heavier person in the relationship.
1 month

How many in a relationship where your partner weighs more than you?

My wife is about 130 lbs bigger than I am. I love how large she's gotten over the years, and she hasn't had a job in about a year so she's been sitting on her butt and getting bigger. I want to be bigger than her one day, but it's going to take lots of hard work to get bigger than her. She does want to lose some weight, which I suppose that would make it easier for me to catch up and surpass her lol. I want her to do what makes her happy, and I support her no matter what.
1 month
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