Fat experiences

Most amount of weight gained in the shortest amount of time?

Well this past year I moved to a new city that had so many delicious restaurants, I put on 80 or so pounds in a year, one month I gained 20 pounds suddenly. I was already kid of chunky but this took me to the next level.

The feeling was divine when I realized. And my red stretch marks told the tale. My butt has gotten so round and juicy, my soft belly expanded enough to fill almost my whole lap, and it ripples to the slightest touch. My moobs grew and got more tender. My massive thighs rub against each other all the time. I love being this big.
10 months

Most amount of weight gained in the shortest amount of time?

quit nicotine around Thanksgiving, by February or March I was sporting a nice extra 30ilbs

How did you manage to quit? I have quit smoking for a few months here and there but it hasn't stuck. I want the weight gain and easier breathing benefits badly. Can't seem to put the smokes down especially when I'm driving.

I am attempting the same. Was doing really good for a couple my months, cut down by half and then half again... Major willpower, and hours or torment B4 allowing myself a half cigarette. Only 4 a day then back to my old habits. Actually using weight gain side effects as incentive while not overheating on purpose or replace as another vice. Now I'm starting from scratch and it's hard... Going to need patches this time, just can't fathom going cold turkey.

20 or 30 pounds as a consequence is just icing on the cake. Hope to quit and hit a milestone or two next by the fall season
9 months

Most amount of weight gained in the shortest amount of time?

I have gained about twenty pounds since January. I started a new job that’s much more sedentary than what I was doing previously. I had lost some weight prior to that, but gained it all back plus some, and now I am the heaviest I have ever been.
. Amazing, would love to know more
9 months

Most amount of weight gained in the shortest amount of time?

quit nicotine around Thanksgiving, by February or March I was sporting a nice extra 30ilbs

How did you manage to quit? I have quit smoking for a few months here and there but it hasn't stuck. I want the weight gain and easier breathing benefits badly. Can't seem to put the smokes down especially when I'm driving.

I am attempting the same. Was doing really good for a couple my months, cut down by half and then half again... Major willpower, and hours or torment B4 allowing myself a half cigarette. Only 4 a day then back to my old habits. Actually using weight gain side effects as incentive while not overheating on purpose or replace as another vice. Now I'm starting from scratch and it's hard... Going to need patches this time, just can't fathom going cold turkey.

20 or 30 pounds as a consequence is just icing on the cake. Hope to quit and hit a milestone or two next by the fall season

I have started vaping now although I still have the occasional cigarette. To be honest I take in more nicotine now on vapes then I ever did before especially when driving as it's much easier to vape when doing various things around the house.
9 months

Most amount of weight gained in the shortest amount of time?

I gained around 125 lbs in about a year and a half during covid. Surprisingly didn't notice until long after the damage was done.
9 months

Most amount of weight gained in the shortest amount of time?

Back during the first COVID lockdown, I was actively trying to gain as much as possible (stuffed myself with a minimum of 6,000 calories every single day), and I managed to put on 23 pounds in just 30 days. It was a really hot experience that I'll always remember fondly.
9 months

Most amount of weight gained in the shortest amount of time?

I actually managed to put on about 30 pounds in about 30 days once…first time I ever gained 11 years ago. I was eating a big snack or a huge meal every single waking hour and waking up in the middle of the night for another huge snack before passing out again. I ate a lot of Bic Macs, Whoppers, and Wendy’s Triples…the kicker? I sometimes cut off slabs of lard and sandwiched them in the the burger. It was so much fun because I had never been more than about 125 in my life and had been 100-110 for many years before I took the plunge. I really love watching my body morph and change. I’m at my all time high now (almost 200). I am enjoying my chubby self right now, but I think I’m going to go down to 110-120 so I can start up my gain again (hopefully next spring/early summer). Ahh…220lbs is on my bucket list now (I’m just under 5’2”). After that who knows where I will eventually land on the scale? I do know that my metabolism is going to eventually be wrecked, but I will figure that all out when I get there. Just as long as I can walk, swim, work a job, and take care of my basic needs, I am perfectly fine with myself. Not to mention I think I wear 197 lbs pretty well 😉
9 months

Most amount of weight gained in the shortest amount of time?

After breaking my leg in June and not being able to walk for over 12 weeks, I have gained over 85 lbs so far.
Since I was able to move around the house and outside in a wheelchair using only crutches, the weight gain happened pretty quickly. I also had so much time to eat and was very well looked after and cared for by my husband.
Almost every day since then I have been overcrowded to the point of bursting. Over time I wished for more and more food because little by little I needed more and more to get me to this hot feeling... it makes me so addicted this desire to be stuffed until my belly is so tense that it Looks like it's about to pop.
8 months
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