
Red pill or blue pill ?

Red feeder pill.

Girlfriend turned wife has a unique metabolism where she can't stop gaining weight no matter what, but it's also improving her health.

And she knows it and has accepted it. Just this week I told her I want her to become as obese as possible and she said "The more you love me the bigger I'm gonna get."
10 months

Red pill or blue pill ?

Well, I’m a gainer, so if they look or taste anything like an m &m can I eat them both?
10 months

Red pill or blue pill ?

Definitely the blue one. I am really starting to achieve something but my work requires me to stay active and I would love to be slim again. Yes if course now I dream about whatever the red pill would mean, but I know I can do some good in this world, I can help people and that mens more to me than my sexual gratification.
10 months

Red pill or blue pill ?

I'd only take the blue pill if it meant instantly losing the weight as well, giving me a chance to start again.

I've been fat to some degree my entire life and the last thing I'd want is to go back to being just fat and wanting to lose weight but never actually doing so.

At least with this fetish I could truly enjoy the breakfast buffet yesterday morning and the two double cheeseburgers and extra large fries last night thanks to a deal without feeling any guilt.
10 months

Red pill or blue pill ?

I think I'd be happier with the red pill. Not saying that I even no what the blue pill would even be like. Just don't think I'd want to...
10 months

Red pill or blue pill ?

Red pill feeder here.
Back when I was in high school, I probably would have said blue pill, but I've since come to realize that having a fetish is a major enhancement to your sex life. It allows for more creative opportunities in bed beyond the boring vanilla routine, and can turn sex into a sort of adventure of self-discovery. Plus, the more intensely you're fixated on something, the more excited you'll be when you get to experience it. I honestly doubt that people who are mostly vanilla can ever experience as much pleasure as a fetishist. That being said, would I exchange being a feeder for some other kink? Probably not, because I honestly don't think it matters. Anyone with an intense fetish is going to have similar obstacles in life, like difficulty finding a partner, or lack of social acceptance. Everything's a trade-off, that's just life.
9 months
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